Chapter XI: Kusa Team VS Azami

Start from the beginning

Nemuri finished healing herself enough to fight and took out a bunch of senbon, she threw them at Azami who dodged them all. Nemuri then used a jutsu that made pink gas come out of her body, the clone covered her mouth, but not quick enough, she had breathed some of the pink gas in. She felt light headed but didn't pass out, however that was enough as Nemuri had thrown a bunch of poison covered senbon. Azami dodged all but one of them, when she was hit the poison didn't instantly kill her, making the clone poof away after being paralyzed and burned from the inside.

The two clones still in hiding jumped out and continued the fight, Nemuri keeping a distance and throwing poison covered senbon, the gas still floating off her body. The clones had made makeshift masks from their gloves that they tied around their faces so as to not breath in the poison. Suddenly one clone kicked the other, sending it flying towards Nemuri. It body slammed her into the ground and placed a Hiraishin, but was also stabbed, it proofing away as well.

The final clone flashed on top of Nemuri and pinned her down, took away all her weapons, and used one of her own senbon to kill her. She normally doesn't use peoples own weapons unless she has too out of respect, but this girl annoyed Azami with all of the genjutsu so she did it out of spite. The girl was soon killed and the final clone dispersed.

~3rd POV~ [Main Azami]
Azami created one more clone that helped her bandage her wound and then create another trail of tracks in case people decided to follow her. She placed the Earth scroll with her Heaven scroll and ate some jerky on her way to the tower.

On the way to the tower I had to kill a few annoying creatures, giant bugs mostly, I finally made it to the tower and walked in. There was a strange message on the board and I was too bored to decipher it, so I just took out the scrolls and opened them. It was a summoning so I quickly tossed them to the ground and Inoichi appeared.

"Hello Azami. Good job on the test, you were the third team to get here, impressive."

"Thank you, Inoichi-san. Do I just go into the tower and wait then?" I asked.

He nodded and explained that there was still four and a half days to the test so I could stay in one of the rooms and freshen up, get some nicer food too. I nodded and he disappeared. I opened the door behind him and walked up the steps in the tower, straight to where the sensei were. Just to bother them all. When I arrived there I opened the door and calmly walked in, feeling them all watching me.

"Um, Azami, you can't be in here." Kakashi said awkwardly.

"Yes I can."

"No, you really can't."

"Well I am, so get over it Kakashi. Besides, Hiruzen wouldn't kick me out so I'm aloud in here."

Some random jounin and chunin started lecturing me, but I just ignored them.

"I guess. Whatever. Anyway, how far are you in the book?"

"Lora just hooked up with Kyro for the first time, I haven't gotten far because of the exams."

"Well, just wait till the fourth chapter! It gets really interesting really fast, that's what really got me hooked."

"Lemme guess, Kyro cheats on her with Rei, and to get back at them Lyra gets with Rei's older brother, Takeo. After that it's probably a bunch of drama, make-up sex, and then something else big happens.

"What the heck are you two talking about?" A woman with red eyes asked.

Simultaneously Kakashi and I held up our matching Icha Icha Paradise books. She and Asuma both looked at me disbelieving that I actually read such things, and even more so that I could so calmly discuss it with an adult.

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