Happy 16th Birthday, Chief!

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry..."

"What is wrong, Izuke bro?" Jester asked. Izuku didn't lift his head. He should tell them, they are his family after all.

"It's just that... ever since that time, I have been feeling like this void in my chest or something. I feel so apathetic, or more like, I don't 'feel' anything anymore. But there is this nagging feeling of both parts of me that just want to take over now. Like Mikumo and Deku are gone and a part of me but the emotions or the parts of me that they each held don't know which was the more prominent part of me so it's just... still. I don't even know why my eyes are watering right now. The emotion just isn't there."

Izuku paused.

"In all honesty, I feel like I know which one is more prominent but I am afraid of it so I am holding it back. I know that fear is probably causing this emotional pause but I am just so afraid..."

Honey pawed at his leg and whined.

Dad stood and sat beside Izuku. "Afraid of what, kid?"

Izuku felt tears prick at his eyes behind the sunglasses. "A- afraid of my- myself..." he choked out. He clutched onto Honey's fur, grateful for the solidity. There a sad stillness before Anima's voice came in a hush over the mic. He almost jumped at the sudden presence.

"Izuku," she whispered, "you do not need to be afraid. The part you are talking about it Deku's part, isn't it?" Izuku hummed in agreeance. "If-" she paused. "- Izuku, all of us want the best for you. Those tears are proof that you are human, whether you feel the emotions behind them or not. So don't be afraid of them! Let them fall. We understand that part of you isn't the best mentally but it is the best you. Izuku, we trust that you will not hurt any of us and at the end of the day, even if you act rashly and out of control, we know that you will do what is best for our cause as well. You can let it go, Izuku. We will still be there for you, no matter what."

"That is right!" Bubble piped.

"Agreed," the Fox twins said in unison. "We might not seem it, but we care deeply for you as well, Chief," Kiru said. Siru nodded. "Right, you accepted us, in the same way, we accept you."

"Dude you know it is okay!" Jester chirped.

Rena stumbled over to him, she had been able to walk for a bit now. She grabbed his leg.

"Unky?" Uncle. Uncle is what she called him. Izuku gave a watery sigh as he picked up Rena and sat her in his lap. "Th- thank you, guys..." He felt a single tear fall. "I- I don't know if I can just yet but I know this, I felt something. I... I am sure that I will come to a conclusion on this soon but as for now, I am just so drained... " He stood again, the lightheadedness was as same as usual and he did not stumble. "N- night guys, I guess."

Izuku put Rena down and walked away silently.


Grimlin stared after his leaders back. He sighed. His chest hurt. Through the years that he had known Izuku, he had gradually grown closer to the boy. When the Quirkless Rejects formed they had begun to circle their lives around them mostly because their plans and future rested on the boy since his plan and motives are what made up the Quirkless Rejects. It seems to have taken a toll on the poor boy. Not even sixteen years old...

Grimlin's eyes widened. He turned to Eraserhead.

"Hey, when is the Chief's birthday?"

They all turned to face Grimlin. "July 15th," the man in question replied. "Tomorrow," Grimlin mused. "You know, we don't usually celebrate birthdays here, I've noticed. Maybe it would be a good time to start? We can start with him. It might lift his spirits a bit."

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