Happy Or Hazbin Hotel - Chapter 3

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Morning had come too soon for the hotel, well too soon for one sinner in the hotel. The hell bound kitsune demoness. She laid on her bed groaning as the bright red seeped into her room and peered open her eyes. She looked up at the clock beside the bed. It was still barely 7am. The room was shades of soft pink and cream, the bed was plush and had a covered in satin and silk. The walls were a soft cream color and the floor was a plush soft cream carpet. Most of the places in Hell were red and black, but Candy couldn't stand having that color assault her eyes 24/7. She sat up slowly in her bed, her soft sheer pink nightgown shifting around her body. The strap slipping off her shoulder as she rubbed her ears. "Right, my new job..." Candy whispered as she looked around her room.

Candy got up from the bed and her tails flicked as her things all unpacked in seconds. Being a kitsune was helpful in some ways. She knew that Lucifer had to be catching onto what Lilith was doing, Lilith wouldn't have sent her so far away otherwise. And certainly not to become close to Charlie otherwise. Lucifer was many things, but a horrible father wasn't one of them. If his daughter cared for someone then he hardly hurt them. Made their scared for their life, but didn't kill them. All these concerns were running through her mind. She stood by her bed, looking at the soft neutral colors in the room and then looked at her reflection. She smiled and stood up then started undoing the braided her and got ready. Finding another pair of high waist black pants, and a pink button up top, fixing her sleeves, then slipped her hair into two pony tails. She admired her appearance for a moment then looked up at the time. It had only been an hour. 

She walked to the bed, and knelled down beside it. She slide out the container that held her weapons. All angelic weapons. IT was Hell to obtain these over the years and she checked each one. She finished checking each gun and knife before closing the container and locking it again. She slipped out a small knife and put it in her right boot before tying her boot a bit tighter. She slid the container under the bed. She tucked the skirt over the edge of the bed. She looked at her room one last time before leaving her room. 

The assault of red and black begun once again once she was out of her room. She looked around the all and sighed softly, then heard the soft static around her and her ears twitched wildly. Her tails swayed behind her as she looked over her shoulder. "Why! Good Morning my Dear!" Alastor called walking down the hall to her. Candy sighed a bit and turned away from him. Only to have him appear before her. A deep growl formed in her throat as she looked at him then forced a smile recalling that Charlie was friends with this Overlord. "It's rude to ignore a greeting." He said smiling at her. She smiled back at him, ears twitching as one dropped to the side. "Hello Radio Demon." She replied sweetly, then growled as he reached out to touch her. She quickly pushed him back two steps. "How about we set rule here. Lets say, five foot rule?" She said smiling at him and walked around him. He turned and watched her walking down the hallway with a wider smile. "As you wish my dear." He said softly, watching her tails swaying behind her.

~~Down in the Lobby~~

Candy walked into the lobby noticing the drunk cat at the welcome desk. She looked at the clock, and sighed. It was barely 9am and the cat was drunk. This wouldn't do for the royal image at all. Candy put a hand to her cheek with a sigh then looked at the little one eyed demoness running around cleaning. "So cleaning crew is needed." Candy whispered to herself, summoning a clipboard and started writing down notes on things that needed to be done around the hotel for Charlie. Charlie walked down shortly after with Vaggie and noticed Candy was already at work. "I told you she'd be up and working." Vaggie said and Charlie sighed a bit. "Yeah..." Charlie whispered noticing Candy was poking the passed out Husk with her pen. 

"Princess Charlotte! Good morning!" Candy said happily seeing Charlie and Vaggie, bowing to Charlie and Vaggie snorted as she held in the laughter. Charlie cringing at the title yet again. "Oh, forgive me your highness. I mean, Charlie. Good morning." Candy said softly, then begun listing off the requirements. Charlie slapped her face and walked over, "Hey Candy..candy..CANDY!" Charlie yelled, fire forming and horns sprouting out to get Candy's attention suddenly. Yipping in shock, Candy hid behind her clipboard slightly, tails tucked close to her. "Sorry...Candy please. It's not like the palace. Here we're more laid back." Charlie explained and Candy nodded to her with a soft sigh. "I'm sorry. I'll ease off." Candy said softly, Vaggie however was laughing hard, hugging herself. 

"What's got her all twisted up?" Angel asked as he walked into the lobby looking around, noticing the fox demoness from the night before and Charlie. Charlie smiled at Angel, and Vaggie stopped laughing when she noticed Angel. "Nothing. Nothing." Vaggie said shaking her head and walked to the kitchen. Candy looked back to Charlie who seemed so happy and relaxed here, she seemed happier than she did at the palace. "I can reach out and employ a few of my friends here Charlie. To assist the Hotel. It'd be good to have the help for you I think." Candy said looking at Charlie seriously, her clipboard vanishing as she gently grabbed Charlie's shoulders. "Charlie..." Candy started, but stopped seeing the Radio demon enter the lobby. "I'll talk with you later. I'm going to go get the help." Candy told Charlie, her ears dropping flat as she glared slightly at Alastor then looked at Charlie. "Don't..Don't do anything stupid please." Candy added, grabbing Charlie's hands suddenly making Charlie look at her confused but nodded a bit. Candy quickly walked out, huffing when Alastor tried to speak to her, her tails flicking at him. 

"Looks like someone might hate you more than Vags Smiles." Angel teased, laughing and throwing himself on the couch. "What's up with Cotton Chars?" Vaggie asked walking over to Charlie who was currently looking at her hands in thought. Charlie frowned in a bit, "I'm not sure. She's been with my family before I was born. She worked for my Dad then my Mom. But to be sent here. I'm not sure what's going on." Charlie said hugging herself. "You two worry too much. More help means less work. Are you kidding me!? Let her bring the help!" Angel said smiling and crossed his arms. "I must agree with the spider. More help could prove helpful my dears." Alastor suddenly spoke up, smiling wider. "And if not, we can always not accept the help." He added, making all three of them look at him in concern.

Meanwhile, Candy was walking down the hall in the underground Shadow Serpent Hallow. "Since we don't have missions. I'm putting a few of you to work." Candy said softly, looking at the group around the replica in room who looked up at her shocked. Candy smirked, her sharp fangs poking out. "Start packing.." Candy said smirking, "We have a hotel to run."

To be Continue...

Sweet As Candy ( 3V ((Vox, Valentino, Velvet)) X Reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें