Let's play Dress Up! - Chapter 12

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"WAKE UP!" Yelled the overly excited female Overlord as she jumped onto the giant bed. Startling the poor sleeping fox, making her sit up and fluff out completely in shock. "What!?...Damn it Velvet.." Candy whispered, rubbing her head as she looked at the doll demon who was sitting there with the biggest smile ever. "Oh My Luci! You're in Val's bed! It's so cute!" Velvet said, and snapped a photo of the messy fox demon making her sigh a bit. "Good morning Velvet." Candy said softly, rubbing her head. Velvet she oddly enough could handle well, at least far better than the men who were now claiming rights to her. Maybe it was the years of being Lilith's lover that had trained her to handle Velvet's affection so well.

"Let's get you dressed up! I have lots of outfits for you. I know Val is still being huffing and won't let you out of the studio sooooo..." Velvet started, hopping off the bed and then started rummaging through the many bags she had brought into the room. Candy moving to the edge of the giant heart and sitting there to watch her. "I thought we could game dress up! The boys did better than I expected in making things better. So I think we should give them a little treat." Velvet said, nodding as she seemed to confirm the outfits she wanted in the bags. "Oh? Is that so? I'm pretty sure my side's and head say otherwise but ok." Candy said chuckling a bit, Velvet chuckled with her. "Well, Boys will be boys. But! You know as much ad I do. If they wanted you dead, you'd be dead!" Velvet said smiling at her. Candy couldn't help but sigh at her, Velvet was completely right. If they wanted her dead, she'd be dead. She was basically at their mercy in this place.

"Well, what kind of treat do you have in mind then?" Candy finally asked, and Velvet smiled and jumped up and down. "I knew you'd come around!" She yelled happily, and grabbed her hands to pull her with her. The boys were in the main lounge area. Vox was pissed at Valentino for last night, so he had kept Valentino from going to bed all night. Both were a bit tense and fuming at each other, but remained silent none the less. The area was empty via Velvet's orders, "Reward huh?" Vox asked bluntly, and Valentino huffed in reply. The couches they were sitting on were in front of a dancing area. The lights were dim, and there was music already going. 

"Velvet, I feel beyond silly." Candy whispered having been stripped naked and forced into a bondage outfit. A tight leather bra with extra straps all over it, then a tight pair of panties with a mini skirt and thigh straps. Fishnet arm sleeve gloves, and thigh highs, then black heels. Her hair was pulled up into two pony tails and brushed out fully. "You look wonderful!" Velvet said smirking in front of her and grabbed her hair pulling her down into a deep kiss. Candy quickly returned the kiss, having been craving female affection more than she realized till Velvet kissed her. Velvet was shocked by how fast Candy had returned the kiss. But soon Candy had Velvet pinned to a wall, the kiss getting deeper.

Candy's hands slid down her sides and then up along her legs and under her dress. Finding her hips and growled hotly when Velvet gave a soft hot moan at her touch. Candy slipped her tongue into Velvet's mouth and fought for dominance as she massaged Velvet's hips gently. Velvet wrapping a leg around Candy, her arms wrapping around her neck. Candy broke the kiss, panting heavily, her eyes slitted into a predatory gaze as she looked down at the slightly shorter Overlord. "..The..reward.." Velvet whispered, "They can wait..." Candy whispered back to her and kissed her again. Candy's claws hooking into Velvet's panties and tugged them down. Kneeling suddenly before Velvet. Velvet was flush and looking at the kneeling kitsune and then eeped when she was under her skirt. Velvet felt a leg lifted over Candy's shoulder and hot breath on her slick slit before she could protest. Candy inhaled the sweet new scent before her, before dragging her tongue out and along the soft slit. Velvet arched and leaned against the wall in pleasure. "Fuck!..." Velvet gasped out, feeling Candy's hot tongue slipping up and down her slit. Teasing her, not quite going inside her yet. It made her legs tremble, and her body heat up. Candy teased her for a good few seconds before growled deeply and suddenly burying her face deeper. Her tongue forcing it's way deep into Velvet. Velvet arched and moaned out loudly. Her voice drowned out by the music luckily. Velvet's hands reaching down and gripping Candy's hair through her skirt. The grip and moans that were now easily escaping Velvet's mouth urged Candy on. He tongue swirled and searched deeper within her tight folds. Soon finding the one sweet spot, causing Velvet then nearly go limp in place. "Oh Foxie! Yes!" Velvet cried out, forcing her hips out to the kitsune's mouth. Candy complied and abused the sweet spot, her tongue lashing it without mercy. Velvet's eyes closed in sheer bliss before arching as the climax rocked her body. Candy greedily licked away all the juices that Velvet released out for her. Catching the Overlord as she collapsed into her arms. Velvet was trembling and panting hotly, Candy was nuzzling her neck and panting hotly as well. "Thank you Velvet.." Candy whispered, Velvet blushed and looked at her. "You're welcome I guess." Velvet replied, Candy pulled her face up into a deep kiss again. 

By now both Vox and Valentino where on their hell-phones looking at social media boredly. Several drinks in, assuming Velvet forgot and spaced off into something else completely. But then after a few moments of cleaning Candy's face back up, Velvet dragged her out and yelled tada! Both men looked up blinking, Velvet was still breathing heavily, her face red and still missing her panties. Candy looked breathless but mostly uncomfortable in the outfit. "Dolly~~ Foxie Baby~~" Valentino said, grinning widely. "What were you both up too for so long?~~" Valentino asked with a purr, knowing Velvet's I just had a really good climax face well. Candy however, looked breathless but calm. Valentino wouldn't deny, part of him was pissed Velvet got first pleasures with their new pet. "Nothing!~" Velvet shouted a bit, then cough and shoved Candy forward a bit. Candy yipped then huffed and felt awkward as she walked over to the two Overlords. She was still aroused by her moment with Velvet and gently sat on Vox's lap. Vox's screen glitched badly, till he smacked his head, startling Candy slightly. But he wrapped his arms around her. "Much better!" Velvet said happily and walked over to Valentino and sat beside him giggling softly. 

"We should play a game together. All of us." She added, leaning against Valentino who leaned back in his spot, upper arm over the edge of the couch. "What kind of game?" Candy asked, feeling Vox fiddling with the straps on her outfit. Seeming as if he was testing how strong they actually were. "Oh oh! Truth or Dare?" Velvet asked and Candy shook her head no quickly. "Truth and dare it is." Valentino said smirking at Candy who glared at him. "Oh! And every time you're caught lying, you get punished." Velvet added, clapping her hands and Candy groaned a bit. "How can you tell their lying?" Candy asked, "Voxy can!" Velvet said giggling, making Candy glance back at Vox who smirked at her and Candy felt a blush rise to her face.

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter - Dare To Be True

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