Chapter 18

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[Shawn's POV]

About a month for Camila to complete 9 months, my mom and Julia decided to organize a baby shower with all of our friends. They manage to get Camila's family to come to LA for the weekend, and that included not only her mom, Alejandro and Sophia but also her dad, her stepmom and Lucy. Camila became very close to Lucy and even her dad these last two months. They were all super excited about the pregnancy, just like my grandparents, who would also come for the baby shower. I drive to my parents' house, where my mom organized the whole thing, with Camila by my side smiling from ear to ear.

 " I'm so excited to see everyone in the same room. Can you believe this is the first time our families will meet in person?" She says sounding extremely happy.

 " I know, right? Just Rose to get everyone in the same place." I say putting my hand on her stomach after parking the car in front of my parents house.

 " And they're all staying here. I can't believe your mom was able to convince your dad." She says laughing.

 I walk out of the car and help her out as my mom opens the front door to greet us. As we walk inside my mom guide us to the living room, where we can see all our friends and family. The room is all decorated in light yellow, just like we did to Rose's bedroom. Everyone gets up to talk to us and right after Camila sits in the couch saying her feet are killing her.

 " Do you think it would be too much if I asked to massage my feet in front of everyone?" She asks shyly.

 " I got you, baby." I say kissing her as I pull her legs up in the couch to my lap.

 Our moms seems to find it the most cute thing and take a bunch of photos of me massaging her feet, which makes everyone laugh. Later we blindfold Camila so she can try to guess what the gifts are, and if she gets it wrong I have to paint her with red lipstick. In a short time she's all covered in red ink and keeps saying that's not fair.

 " I didn't make this baby by myself, you have to get blindfolded too." She says annoyed.

 " I think that's fair!" Sophia says taking Camila's blindfold off and putting on my eyes.

 Camila takes the lipstick from my hand and suddenly I'm the one getting all the gifts wrong as she paints me. She seems to be enjoying her little revenge and when the gifts are over we're covered in red lipstick.

 " Not so fun right now, huh?" She asks making fun of me. I give her a kiss to shut her up and everyone cheers us.

 We try to clean up the most we can before eating but we still have some remains of red ink in our bodies. At some point I see Camila talking with her dad and it makes me so happy to see that he actually meant it when he said he wanted to be a part of her life.

Our friends start to leave when as it gets late but since both our families are staying here depends on us to leave and end the celebration. Camila is feeling really tired so we tell everyone we're going home. My mom and Sinu help us put the gifts in the car and soon after we're home. Camila lays in bed as I take all the gifts to the apartment and when I finish it she's already sleeping. I take a shower, lay down next to her and pass out in the bed not long after.

 I wake up in the middle of the night with Camila calling my name. I open my eyes slowly and see she's sitting in the bed with a surprised expression on her face.

 " What's wrong?" I ask sitting down next to her.

 " I think my water broke." She tells me not believing what she just said.

 " Oh god! Are you serious?" I ask in shock.

 " I think so."

 " Okay. We have to go to the hospital." I say getting up and putting a few of her clothes in a bag. " Can you walk?" I ask helping her get up from the bed.

 " Yes." She says as I help her change her clothes and put myself some as well. " Damn it, Rose. That's like a month earlier!" She says making me laugh.

 We walk out to the car and I help her get in the passenger seat. Since it's the middle of the night the roads are almost empty and we make to the hospital in a short time. I look at Camila as I help her out of the car but she doesn't seem scared or in pain, just surprised. We get in the emergency room and a nurse gets a wheelchair for Camila and take us to a room so a doctor can confirm if her water really broke.


[Camila's POV]

 I was laying in a hospital bed with Shawn by my side as a young doctor tells us my water really broke and even thought that's earlier than normal I was about to get in labor. The hospital had called Dr. Kacey and she was on her way, but I was just starting to have contractions so it would probably still take awhile. Everything seems kind of surreal, I wasn't exactly expecting to give birth a month earlier. Shawn gets out of the room for a minute to call our families, it's actually funny that Rose decided to come in the one week everyone is in town. Dr. Kacey finally arrives and comes see me as the nurse tells her my contractions are around five minutes apart and are getting stronger each time, which means I should be giving birth soon. I squeeze Shawn's hand very hard as another contraction comes, this time stronger than the last one, but he doesn't seem bothered at all and keeps encouraging me. I don't know how long we've been here but at some point Karen and my mom enter the room.

 " Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" My mom asks taking one of my hands.

 " In pain." I say making them laugh. " That's not funny."

 " I know, baby. Sorry." Shawn says kissing my forehead before I feel another wave of pain.

 Dr. Kacey comes in again and say it's time and I'm terrified for a moment, but Shawn notices and starts kissing my hand.

 " Hey, look at me. You're doing great. Everything will be fine. Your mom and I will be there with you." He says and I nod as I feel a tear roll down my face.

 They take me to the delivery room and soon after I see Shawn and my mom with clothes similar to the ones the doctors and nurses are wearing. The pain only gets strong as Dr. Kacey looks at me nodding her head.

 " Okay, Camila. Time to push." She says as I push as much as I can holding Shawn's hand.

 The whole things is probably the most physically painful experience I have ever been through, but it's all worth it when I hear Rose crying for the first time. Not long after a nurse puts her in my arms and both Shawn and I are crying messes as we watch the small little human we made together. My mom looks so proud and starts crying with us as Shawn kisses my forehead and hold Rose for a second before the nurse takes her.

 An hour later I wake up in another room with Shawn by my side and he tells me Rose have to stay in the nursery for a few days since she's premature, so they make sure everything is fine with her before we go home. A nurse brings her back so I can feed her and I swear I could look at her forever.

 " I was so scared but now seeing her it was all so worth it. I can't believe she's finally here in my arms." I say smiling as I watch her.

 " You were amazing there. I knew you could do this." He says sitting in the bed next to us. " And I know what you mean. This is surreal." He touches her little hand and she responds squeezing his finger, which makes more tears roll down my face. Our families and closest friends come in to meet Rose in small groups, but our moms are the ones that stay the most.

 " I can't believe you actually survived watching the labor. I thought you'd pass out." Karen tells Shawn, making us all laugh.

 " He was honestly great. I don't know how Camila didn't break his hand." My mom says as the nurse comes back to take Rose.

 We stay three more days before going back home, and entering the apartment with Rose in my arms was such an overwhelming feeling that I started tearing up. I still can't believe our little Rose is here with us and we're a family now.


A/N: This story is now #2 on the Shawmila hashtag! This is just wow! Thank you guys so much for reading and voting! 😭❤

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