Chapter 3

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[Shawn's POV]

 " I told you so." Julia says smiling while we drink coffee the next morning.

 " This is the first and only time I'm glad to hear you say that." I say as Niall sits with us at the kitchen table.

 " So it actually worked? I guess that's a first." Niall says referring the date I went with Camila.

 " So how was it? I want all the details." Julia asks happily, ignoring Niall's comment.

 " We went to your dad's restaurant."

 " Of course you did." She says as they both laugh.

 " I actually met her the day before, she spilled coffee on my shirt at the cafe." 

 " Own, that's cute. I told you, it's fate." She says excitedly.

 " I don't know, but I really liked her. We have so many things in common and she's just so easy to talk to." I say remembering last night.

 " She sended me a text thanking me for insisting on the date, so she really liked you too." Julia says getting up to get something in the fridge.

 We finish eating breakfast and since I have today off work I use my free time to study for some tests I have next week. As I read my notes I keep getting distracted thinking if I should text Camila or not. Is it too soon? I take that thought off of my mind and finish studying.

 When it's lunch time I look for something in the fridge and find an old pizza from two days ago and decide that will do. As I look at a project I have to do, I realize I need a book from the library to get started. I take my keys and head out to campus to get the book.

 It took me awhile but I was finally able to find what I was looking for in the library. As I make my way back to the parking lot something calls my attention. There's this small book store at the other side of the street. I always pass by it but I never got inside since I tend to get all the books I need from the library. But this time my attention is caught by a tiny brunette organizing a shelf inside. I have to take only one look to know that beautiful long hair belongs to Camila.

 I cross the street and walk to bookstore opening the door, then I notice she's talking to a client. I get inside but she doesn't notice me and just keep smiling at the girl who's talking to her. I make myself busy looking at some books, waiting for the girl to leave so I can talk to Camila.

 As the girl leaves, Camila makes her way in my direction thinking I'm another client but when she realizes it's me her face lits up and she gives me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

 "Shawn? What are doing here?" She asks confused.

 " I was walking and saw you inside so I came in to say hi." I say smiling at her. " I didn't know you worked here."

 " I think I forgot to mention." She says taking my hand and pulling me behind a shelf. " Sorry, my boss hates when I talk to friends during my shift." 

 " Well then maybe I should go, I don't want you to lose your job."

 " Okay." She says not so happy. " But we should do something later. I wanted to text you but wasn't sure if it was too soon."

 " I almost texted you a bunch of times during the day." I say laughing. " What time does your shift end?" 

 " 5:30."

 " Then I'll be here waiting for you."

 " Okay." She says before closing the space between us. I can't even describe how much I missed her lips on mine. " But you should go now before my boss sees us."

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