Chapter 10

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[Shawn's POV]

 Camila's birthday is coming and I started to think about the perfect gift. We were walking in the mall a couple of weeks ago when she saw this beautiful necklace in a jewelry store. I knew she loved it but she said she could buy it in another occasion, so I came back there two days later and bought it for her. I've also been working on this new song that I wanted to play for her, but I still felt like something was missing. Then I had this crazy idea, maybe a big gesture was exactly what I was looking for. I called her mom to ask her opinion and she was super happy about it, so a week before I reveled to Camila my plan.

 " Hey, baby." I say kissing her as she enters the apartment.

 " Hey. So what was so important that you needed to tell me in person?" She asks curiously.

 " Well, I have a surprise for your birthday." I say sitting down on the couch as she does the same.

 I take the plane tickets that are on the center table and hand it to her. She looks confused at first but then she realizes what it is and hugs me with excitement.

 " Shawn, this is perfect. I wanted to go back to Miami so I could spend my birthday with my mom but I thought maybe it wouldn't work since we're in the middle of the semester and also because of our jobs."

 " Don't worry about that. I managed to get us friday and saturday off."

 " You convinced my boss? That's insane." She says shocked.

 " Turns out he's friends with my mom, so it was actually kinda easy." I say laughing.

 " You're the best. I love you so much." She says kissing me.

 We would be flying on friday after our morning classes and had both made sure to anticipate any studyings we would had to do on the weekend. Camila told me she had the habit to pack more things than what she actually needed, so I made sure to help her out with that.

 " I can't believe you managed to do that." She says looking at the small suitcase she borrowed from Julia. " There's a reason I never bought a small suitcase like this one."

 " This makes a lot more sense than using that huge suitcase. It's just one weekend, you don't need that much stuff." I say as I carry the suitcase downstairs to Brian's car.

 He would be taking us to the airport so I don't have to leave my car there. When we're finally inside the plane Camila puts her head on my shoulder as we watch a movie.

 " I'm so excited for you to see where I grew up." She says kissing my shoulder.

 " Me too. Do you think your mom will show me some baby pictures of you if I ask?" 

 " Oh, you won't even have to ask." She says laughing.

 We watch two movies, at least I did, Camila falls asleep in the beginning of the second one. No longer after the plane is landing in Miami and we're on our way to get our suitcases. Once we get to an escalator Camila starts waving at someone, who seconds later I recognize as her mother. They hug for a long time once we get there and that makes me smile thinking this was the perfect gift for her birthday.

 " I took today off so I could pick you guys up but I still have to work tomorrow." Sinu tells Camila as we walk to the parking lot.

 " That's fine, I can show Shawn around the city tomorrow." Camila says smiling at me.

 " Oh, and I made us reservations tonight in that mexican restaurant you love." Sinu says with excitement.

 " Yesss. I've been craving mexican food." She says laughing.

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