Nothing Says Love Like Murder

Start from the beginning

You know you're shaking. You can't help it. Maybe they will think it's just because of the whole situation.

"He hasn't come back?" You can't help but ask. The general raises an eyebrow.


You look down at your hands as you nod. The general's eyes are boring into you, and you're pretty sure you're about to have the biggest panic attack of your life. You will yourself to speak.

"So basically, the story is Supreme Leader Ren wanted to find me because I had the map to this location, but the two goons found me instead and brought me back to the First Order and gave the map to their army or whatever, and then my dad came to rescue me."

The general nods her head. "Basically."

You sigh. You have to know more.

"So...they took over the First Order then?"

The general's eyes narrow. "That's the report we're getting. Kylo Ren hasn't been found, but I'm sure they will terminate him if he shows up again."

You shudder, and you realize the general knows much more than she's letting you think. Her eyes tell you everything.

Rose speaks up. "I promise you, Y/N, if Kylo or those crazies show up here, we will kill them. We won't let you be taken again."

You try to force a smile; you know this is what you should be feeling. Happiness, relief, safety, freedom...

But all you feel is absolute dread at the thought of someone hurting Kylo.

"Thank you Rose," you say softly. She smiles at you with the purest joy, and you wish you could stay with her and Poe forever.

"Y/N, there's more to this story," the general grabs your attention again.

Oh shit. Is she going to say she knows about you and Kylo?

"Really? What?" You try to sound clueless, but that was the worst acting job from anyone in history.

"The Supreme Leader was interested in you for the map, yes, but he also wanted you himself."

You furrow your brows. She continues.

"You are of the Kenobi bloodline. The Force is strong with you. If you could be eliminated, then there would be no more Jedi to challenge Ren. I believe he was planning to use you as bait, just like the humanoids did, to kill your father. And i believe he had plans to kill you too so the Kenobis were destroyed once and for all."

He was planning to kill you. Well, fuck.

"Oh," is all you can squeak out. You feel the tears start to fall—you can't stop them any longer.

But...something bugs you.

"I'm not a Jedi though," you choke out. Poe hands you a tissue. "I'm not a threat to anyone."

The general smiles and grabs your hands in hers.

"My dear, you have no idea what you are capable of, but the rest of us know. You were meant for greatness, just like your father and your grandfather."

You half smile. Meant for greatness, huh? More like meant to have your heart ripped out of your chest by the only man you've ever loved. Who is now missing. Who you now know was going to kill you. He had so many chances...

Wait a minute. Why didn't he?

You notice the general staring at you again, still holding your hands in hers. You look over and see Poe eyeing you with questioning eyes. Rose is also silent next to you, not quite sure what to do next.

"Poe, Rose, I need a moment alone with Y/N," says General Organa suddenly. You twitch.

The two file out of the room after giving nods of respect. You get one last look from a confused and fearful Poe, then it's just you and the general.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Have a seat, dear," she motions to a chair. You sit down silently while looking down at the table, avoiding her piercing gaze.

There's a pause, and you look up to find her studying you intently, even more so than before.

You're not speaking first. Nope. No way.

Thankfully, she does. "Y/N, what happened on earth?"

You look at her carefully.

"The two frog monsters kidnapped me and brought me to the First Order."

The general nods but doesn't look away.

"Are they the only ones who visited you on earth?"

You're silent, still as a statue. What do you do? Do you lie? You feel like she'll know immediately if you lie. There's something about her. And there's something familiar in her eyes that you can't put your finger on. Maybe just tell her the truth and beg for forgiveness for being in love with her enemy.


Your voice is barely a whisper, but it might as well have been a shout by the general's reaction. She stands up and starts pacing around the room, her hand over her mouth and her eyes wide with some kind of realization.

"General, ma'am?" You're not sure which one to use.

She stops pacing and turns towards you. "Was it Kylo Ren?"

You look down at the table again. That's all she needed.

"Oh my," she says as she sits back down in front of you. "I knew I felt it. I just knew it."

Felt what? She keeps going. "How long was he there?"

"Three days, general," you admit. She gasps in surprise.

"He never tried to take the map or take you away with him?"

You shake your head. "No ma'am, we just, um, hung out a lot. We went shopping and he lifted a tree with the Force which was pretty cool."

The general looks at you incredulously. She doesn't speak for some time. Meanwhile, you look at her face, as much as you don't want to. There is just something about her that makes this nagging feeling creep into your mind, like you've seen her before.

It's been a good minute now of silence, and you're praying the floor opens up and swallows you whole. Is she mad? Are you about to be executed? Will your father disown you?

"Y/N, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Save your questions until I'm finished, okay?" She speaks slowly, as if you won't understand her language. You simply nod in response.

She takes a deep breath.

"Kylo Ren...he is my son."

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now