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[Warning: Graffic]

The man could hear sirens nearby, which meant trouble. He wouldn't be able to flee the scene fast enough, but he had a slim chance.
He ran back up stairs as fast as he could and escaped from the window he had broken earlier. He could faintly see red and blue lights coming from a quarter of a mile away. He had no where to go, because he was in a small neighborhood. He looked around but there was no where to hide.


There was no time left to think. There was no possible way he would not get caught.
He felt like a fool for not thinking ahead of time. This was new territory for him so he didn't know anything.
There was only 1 thing left to do. He didn't wanna get caught, it would be embarrassing. He didn't want to get locked up in jail either.
He pulled out a pocket knife and flung it open.
The cops had arrived at this point. He was too scared to do it, but there was nothing for him to live for. His life was shit anyways. He breathed in and pointed the knife to his neck.
He could hear the cops getting out, but they weren't visible from his side. He was on the side of the house in pure darkness, but ahead of him was a streetlight.
He clenched the knife tightly, and repositioned so it was 4-5 inches away from his neck and swiftly stabbed his neck. He immediately blacked out and fell to the floor.

The 2 cops ran up to the front door of the house with guns in their hands, while another two searched the area.
The door was locked, unfortunately, and all they could do is break the door down which was pretty easy. One officer pointed the gun in front of him, while the other found a lightswitch. They looked around cautiously, and almost immediately they found an open closet. They looked inside, and to their horror, they saw a body.
The officer immediately called in an ambulance and told them to come quickly. They also noticed the other officers that there was an ambulance coming because the victim had been severely hurt. They inspected the body, and there was a small pool of blood. They investigated it carefully, and saw the blood was coming near the chest area. They checked for his (Jeno) pulse and found it very weak. One of the officers decided to stay with the body while the other looks around the house.

The officers from earlier had begun searching around the house, and straight away they found a body of a man. They ran over and shined their flashlights at the body. The neck was oozing blood, and they could tell it was extremely recent. They saw a knife in his hand, which lead to them thinking he had stabbed himself.

Time skip to the afternoon (remember, all of this happened in the veerrrryy early morning)

Jeno was getting treatment right away, but found out that he had been poisoned, as well as stabbed. The stab wound wasn't large, nor too deep, but the main problem was the poison. It was spreading quickly, and if they didn't flush out the poison quickly enough, it will severely damage his body or even kill him.
They had to replace a lot of his blood and use needles to inject him with treatment before it could get to his heart or brain.
A few hours after the investigation was over, they found out the man who had stabbed himself was a foreigner named Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten). He had recently moved to South Korea a few months ago and didn't have any records or really any information about him. They could only find out his height, weight, blood type, name, age, and other simple things like that.
One of the things that's almost impossible for the doctors to tell is if Jeno would survive or not. They had very little information about the poison that had cause so much trouble, so all they could do right know is use different medical treatments in hopes his condition will become better.

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