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"We have to leave fast! We've got to get Jaemin to the hospital as soon as possible!" Jeno ordered.

Jaemin and man looked at each other and questioned him.

"What do you mean..?? I'm fine.. I think?" Jaemin said.

"I don't have time to explain, but we have to go NOW. You, go gather everyone and tell everyone to hurry." Jeno told the man.

Jaemin didn't question any further but he was honestly terrified. What happened to him?? How did Jeno notice something but not him?

"Okay, we have to hurry too. Don't worry too much about it right now. We should be able to get you to the hospital in time. I'll explain when we're on a plane." Jeno said and gestured Jaemin to follow him.

Everything was happening so fast and he had no idea what was happening, but he just followed Jeno outside of the abandoned hospital. He trusted Jeno, so he tried not to worry. Keyword, try.
Jaemin was panicking internally and he was sweating all over. Jaemin did notice that he felt a little light headed, but he still didn't know what was wrong with him.
Everyone in the hospital tried to rush to the plane. Some patients had to be carefully transferred though.
Jeno stayed close to Jaemin, because side effects of blood poisoning can be overwhelming at anytime. But right now, he was just glad Jaemin seemed fine enough to get on the plane before stuff really starts to kick in.


The plane took off after everyone was situated. The plane was designed for any wounded people, and it was quite roomy.
Jeno told Jaemin to lie down on a bed and told him to take some pills that could help decrease any symptoms.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now?" Jaemin asked after he swallowed 2 pills.

"Ten seemed to have poisoned your blood. And i'm not trying to scare you here, but if you don't start getting treated within a day or two, you'll die very soon."

"DIE??" Jaemin yelled, "Oh my lord, what has my life come to."

"Shhh. Some people are sleeping. Anyways, I know this sounds really harsh but i just wanna tell you that, in a few hours, you'll probably feel awful."

"Wow. Thanks."

"I'll try to stay by your side at all times. Just get some rest."

Jaemin hesitatingly nodded. There was no way he could fall asleep like this. He just found out that his blood was poisoned by Ten! Damn he wishes he can just stab that fucking bitch.
Jaemin was terrified of dying in pain.
But then again, he trusted Jeno that he would help him through this. He just met Jeno, but he's already basically saved his life, twice.
Jaemin tried to sleep for 20 minutes, before a bad headache was kicking in. He felt so tired but he just couldn't fall asleep.
Jeno saw that Jaemin was struggling to fall asleep, and his forehead was beginning to form sweat.
Jeno used to sleeve of his coat to lightly dab off the beads of sweat. He began to softly brush away hairs from Jaemin's forehead and tried his best to calm him down because he knows he's going through really hard times.
He felt really bad for the poor boy. The least he could do for him is to make sure he's okay before he gets properly treated.
After another 15 minutes, Jaemin was finally able to fall asleep with the calming help of Jeno.

TSUNAMI // NOMIN.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt