Chapter Eleven: Hellhound

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"He figured out Scott's the Alpha," I spoke aloud to them, as my gaze went to Scott for a moment.

"There must be something you want," Scott states to the Rider.

"There is only the Hunt. No one resists. No one escapes," the Rider's voice echoed in the air once again.

"If they can't be bargained with, we're gonna have to fight 'em," Scott states to us all as we nodded at him. "I'm comin' for my friends. I'm comin' for everyone. I won't stop. I'll never stop until we get everyone back," Scott took a few steps closer to the mountain ash barrier, but the Ghost Rider seems just to take the information in before taking his gaze back to Parrish. The Rider began to whisper to Parrish in another language that we couldn't understand. But I see Parrish was taken too it, like he was going into a trance...

"Parrish? What's happening?" I ask softly, my gaze on him, hoping he would answer me.

"Scott," Theo spoke but Scott didn't reply. Parrish began to heat up and began to produce flames from his body, his T-shirt melting away as the flames roared. Everything melted besides his jeans which were now shorts. I could tell that his eyes shifted to their orange fiery colour. Parrish steps forward, placing his foot on the mountain ash as it burns. "What is he doing?" Theo asks taking his gaze to Scott.

"He's gonna set him free," Scott states worried. As I was worried for Parrish at this moment in time. The flames were lost, but he was there were cracks in his skin that glowed the fiery colour

"Hey, hey, Parrish, Parrish, stop!" Scott states as he and Liam rushes forward and grab Parrish by the arms and forced him back, away from the cage. As the boys pushed him back, he growls at them ready to push through. Theo quickly touches Parrish's shoulder but he burns with the heat and yells in pain for a moment. Parrish wasn't happy as he pushes Theo to the side, but it was more like a throw. Parrish's gaze went back to meet Liam and Scott, ready for another go. But I quickly vamp-sped in front of Parrish and stared up into his glowing eyes.

"Parrish, stop!" My voice was commanding. "Please, don't do this," my voice turned soft as he was just staring at me... I think I was getting through to him. Quick as a flash, his hand went around my neck, it began to burn my skin as he lifted me high from the ground. I began to choke, as the burning sensation around my neck increased, but I placed my hands on Parrish's forearm, holding it tight. They began to burn like my neck was. But before I knew what was happening, I was thrown to the left, and straight out of the door.

Once I hit the ground, I rolled backwards and laid on my belly as I groan in pain. My hands were burning like if my hot water was being poured over them, but they began to heal as I felt my skin stitch back together. Just then, I see Scott, Liam and Parrish come rushing my way, before they threw Parrish to the ground and the fell too. Both groaning in pain as they're hands were burning. I slowly rose to my feet, turning around to see Parrish stand to his feet, before turning around to look at us. His eyes flickered between Scott and Liam before bringing his gaze to meet mine. I could tell straight away he was broken up about him hurting me. I see him stare at my neck, to see it clearing up from the burn marks.

"Parrish it's fine. I'm ok. I heal at a accelerated rate," I told him as I took a few steps forward, but was taking a step back. It wasn't me, it was him. He was scared that he would hurt me.

"Don't follow me," he states to me, but also took his gaze to Scott and Liam, but I gave him a sad expression like he was making a mistake in doing this alone. Parrish turns and begins to run into the forest...

"Parrish! Parrish!" I shout after him, but all I could do was watch as he ran at unnatural speed into the woods. I could feel my wounds heal completely, my skin smooth. Tears threatened my eyes, as I just stare off into the distance as Parrish was now out sight. I turn slowly back to face Liam and Scott who were now standing to their feet. A single tear ran down my cheek as I looked at the boys, holding a defeated look. But I walk closer to the boys as now they stood on their feet. "Let's see your hands," I told them with a soft voice, as they do what I said, and they held their hands palms up as they were still burnt. I hovered my hand over Scott's right hand first, inches from his palm, I focused on healing his wounds. I swiftly moved my hand over Scott and go to his other hand and they were both healed. I then did the same to Liam and they were healed like they hadn't touched Parrish...

"Thanks," Scott replied with a smile as I nodded to him. Just then, Mason and Hayden come running our way. But then a strong smell of bleed came to my nostrils, as my head darted in the direction it was coming from and it was the cabin...

"Home," A whisper came into my mind, but I know that voice that spoke...

"Did you hear that?" I ask my gaze going to meet Scott's.

"Hear what?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

"Go home and find your Grandmother's Grimoire," my mother's voice echoed in my mind, and I couldn't disobey her.

"I have to go," I told Scott but he gives me a nod, knowing the look on my face it was urgent. I didn't want to waste anymore time, so I focused on my home and snapped my fingers together. My eyes blurred like I was in vamp-speed, but within seconds they became clear and I was standing in my hallway.

I rushed into the living room, my heels clicked against the wooden flooring as my gaze went to the cabinet, which held my Grimoire among other ones. I open the glass door, and began collected two Grimoire's - which was my family's one, and then my Grandmother's one as my Mother requested. The book was big due to being past down through generations of my bloodline as I remember my Mother telling me. But the cover was decorated in real red rubies, it was quite breathtaking...

Last time I checked it held nothing inside all the pages were blank

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Last time I checked it held nothing inside all the pages were blank. Maybe that's why parents created their Grimoire together. They filled it with both their knowledge and then it would be passed onto me. These two Grimoire's are the piece of my past and my heritage and I will cling onto these forever...

I took both the books to the kitchen island as it was large enough to fit both on. I didn't waste anytime and opened my Grandmother's book, but I was met with nothing. Th pages were blank. I flicked the pages over, they were crisp and old, tender to touch. This doesn't make any sense, why would my mum want me to look at this Grimoire if there's nothing in it...

"Nos pluribus aperire secreta," my mother's voice echoed in my my head, and I knew straight away she wanted me to say the words...

"Nos pluribus aperire secreta," I repeated the words correctly, as my gaze stared on the blank page. Suddenly, runes, symbols, descriptions, even drawn images, began to appear in the book. Within seconds, the blank pages were no longer blank. I grab a few pages, and fanned through them seeing pages filled but some were still blank. I came back to the page I had opened too, but before I could read anything. My own Grimoire had spontaneously shot open at the start of it, and then began flickering through the pages, and words began to disappear, images, runes, symbols fading away. But my gaze went to my Grandmother's book to see it was flipping pages, and the blanks pages were being filled in with the spells from my Grimoire.

The process began to speed up, as both books pages were turning fast and it looked like they were going to catch fire how fast they were going. Within a minute, my Grimoire came to the last page, and was shut, and my Grandmother's one was also on the last page. It also shut...

"What the hell just happened?" I mumbled to myself as the book was now full of spells, but I think there was also added pages to this book...

"We didn't want you to see what was inside because they hold some dark powerful spells," my mother's voice rang out inside my head. "And if you did, I wanted to balance out the scales so I spelled the books. If they were every come in contact and with the right spell I just told you. They would merge into one Grimoire," her voice echoed in my head for a moment as I processed on what she spoke and to be fair I understood why she did it...

But why now? Was I ready to learn dark secrets? Or maybe find a way to help my friends and my town...

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