C h a p t e r S i x

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Nick led the way to his car, twirling his keys playfully around his fingers as he walked

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Nick led the way to his car, twirling his keys playfully around his fingers as he walked. Luna smiled at him, forever amazed at how much exuberant energy he seemed to possess. He was forever moving, wether that was twirling his keys, a pen, or his tennis racquet. Nick caught her smiling, and raised an eyebrow at her playfully.

"What?" He asked.

"I don't know, you just have so much energy all the time," she said.

"I'm a professional sportsman, it's my job to have endless energy," he replied.

"But you just finished a match," she objected, as Nick unlocked the car, and they both got in.

"I didn't just finish, I finished a good few hours ago," he retorted. "And it's not like it was five sets or something."

"Fair enough," Luna chuckled.

"Did you eat?" Nick asked. "Not gonna lie, I'm starving. I didn't eat since lunch time."

"Wow, okay, didn't you have a snack or something before your game?"

"A banana," he said. "That doesn't count." Luna shook her head at him in amusement.

"Bad life choices," she teased him.

"Ay, shut up," he chuckled. "Do you want food?"

"Yes please. I haven't eaten in ages either, to be fair."

The two made a detour past the food court, and got a burrito each from Zambrero's, and a Boost Juice each as well. Nick claimed he could have Mexican fast food if he wanted to, since the Open was at least a few weeks away. Luna wasn't so sure that was how it worked, but she knew Nick would do whatever he wanted to regardless of what anyone else thought. After getting their food, they headed back to Nick's apartment. The Australian seemed to have apartments scattered all over the country, and halfway across America and Europe as well, not to mention the house in the Bahamas, and the one in Canberra. It was so characteristic of who he was that Luna didn't even question it. She wouldn't be surprised if every single one of them had been bought on a whim.

"So this is where the Melbourne Nick Kyrgios lives," she said, as they entered his apartment.

"The Melbourne Nick Kyrgios?" He echoed, with a chuckle.

"I swear you have like sixty apartments," she replied.

"There's only eight," he retorted. "Or maybe nine."

"You sound like such a rich kid," she teased him, and then mimicking his accent: "I only have eight apartments!"

"Ay, shut up, Miss 'I follow Nadal around for a living'. You're living the dream as well so don't talk to me like that!" He laughed.

"Okay, fine."

Luna sat down on one of the couches to finish her burrito, admiring the view from the apartment windows. The city of Melbourne was spread out before them, with the sun totally set by now, and the city lights flickering away.

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