C h a p t e r F o u r

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"What's the verdict?"

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"What's the verdict?"

Luna glanced down at her phone as she was eating breakfast to see the text from Nick, and picked up her phone quickly. Thankfully, Rafa was busy with his own breakfast, and didn't notice anything. The two were the only ones up - Xisca and Maribel were still sleeping.

"Verdict on what?" she responded to Nick.

His reply came almost immediately.

"Did you tell Rafa about your misdemeanours?"

"Big words Nick. I'm impressed."

"Ha. Tell me. I need to know if I ask him myself to do rally for relief or if I send a messenger for him to shoot instead."

Luna laughed quietly, shaking her head. Rafa glanced at her, but said nothing.

"You're ridiculous. I did, and he calmed down after about ten mins. And ask him yourself. Or shall I ask him for you? ;)"

"That'd go down like a lead balloon. I'll do it."

At another giggle from Luna, Rafa finally glanced up from his breakfast.

"Alright, what's so funny?" He asked, in amusement.

"You'll find out soon," she winked at him. Rafa shook his head with a smile.

"I'm going swimming today, for a change. Want to come?"

"What, for training?" She asked.

"Well I'll be swimming laps," he responded. "You can do what you like. I don't know, it'll be fun."

"Sure, I'll come," Luna nodded. "I'm down for a swim. Weather's gross, I'll never get used to having summer in January."

"I'm leaving in thirty minutes," said Rafa. "With or without you."

"Wow, alright then," Luna retorted. "Don't be late. Got it."

"Sorry," Rafa conceded, and Luna shook her head with a laugh.

"Don't be," she said. "You're training, it's important."

The pool was fun. Luna swam laps with Rafa for a bit, which obviously included racing one another. Rafa found it literally impossible to switch off his competitive side, so he won every single time, but Luna was a strong swimmer, so she could at least keep up. The girl left him to it once she got tired, shifting one lane over to float on her back and relax a while. The pool complex was empty - the two of them were the only ones there, which meant it was a peaceful environment. Every so often she had to shield her face, to prevent Rafa deliberately splashing her as he swam past. Finally, even he was beat, and clambered out the pool in search of his towel.

"You know, I was thinking," he said, looking over to where Luna was still floating in the middle of the water.

"Woah, careful," she smirked. "Might sprain something doing that too often."

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