Not A Secret

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I happen to have an extensive knowledge of blades. Knives, swords, anything sharp, really. Daggers, katanas, shortswords, and my personal favorite, the hook sword. Obviously I can't use any of them; I don't have the money or coordination.

But there is one sword that I happen to know very well. I could even say I own it.

It's called a double edged sword.

Yes, I just used my nerdy and concerning knowledge of swords to introduce an idiom. How in-character of me.

At the moment, my life is a bit of a double edged sword. I don't have to see Ira's stupid face for a week! But that's because I have a suspension. I can relax and recharge! But my grades are definitely going to plummet. I'll get to go back to school and catch up in no time! Lover boy Ira and his henchmen will harass me again.

I can't win. Even when I'm winning, I'm not.

That day, Bailey had picked up my schoolwork and dropped it off at our house for me to do.

The school wasn't just going to let me do nothing.

Math was hell as usual, and I barely pulled through on history. I had to keep taking breaks from my assignments to make sure I didn't fall asleep or cry.

Science was difficult, but interesting at least. We were studying the fourth state of matter, plasma.

I sighed, trying to piece together the notes my teacher had given me. The online link for studying plasma went straight to a blank screen, claiming something went wrong and suggesting I check if I'd typed everything in correctly. I knew I'd typed it correctly.

Halfway through typing the link in for the sixth time, there was a knock on my door.

Was it a social worker? Hopefully not, the last guy that came through obviously didn't care about his job. He was rude.

The person at the door rapped again, and I hauled myself off the sofa to answer the door.

My heart froze as I peered at the window.

Glaring, I pulled open the main door so that the screen door would separate us.

"Ira. What are you doing here?"

"Hey," he answered sheepishly, his feet shuffling from side to side, "I came to offer help with your schoolwork."

"How? I thought you were suspended. You won't know the material any better than me."

I crossed my arms over my chest defensively, refusing to let him enter my house. The rules of etiquette don't apply to people like him. He didn't deserve my good manners.

"I was suspended for half a week."

"Half a week? Are you serious?"

"It wasn't my choice."

"Whatever. How do you even know where I live?"

"A friend of mine lives in this neighborhood."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Can I come in?" He asked, twisting his hands together.

"No," I snapped. Dropping my hand down to my side, I moved to shut the door in his face.

Ira opened the screen and put his foot next to the door frame so it wouldn't shut.

Exasperated, I roughly opened both doors and bumped him aside to stand in the driveway.

"Tell me what you're really here for," I demanded.

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