"Sakura, I felt an intense amount of chakra back there. What happened?" Daddy asked.

"I fought with one of the Yamauchi clan." I said.

"I see. Are you hurt?" He asked.

"Nope. Although he is from the Yamauchi clan with such chakra powers, he isn't that skilled. But the reason I won is because of the Samehada scale." I said proudly.

"Samehada scale? How did you have it?" Daddy asked.

"Nii-san gave it to me for my birthday when I was very very young." I grinned.

"So basically you own two swords of the Seven Swordsmen?" He chuckled.

"Not really...But close enough!" I smirked.

All of us were greeted by the royal families.

"Thank you so much for rescuing my daughter. Here is the money." The King said and handed daddy the bag of money.

"Just doing our job, Your Majesty. Thank you." Daddy said.

"Glad to see you alive." A voice said. I froze and turned my head to the voice.

"H-Hiroshi-kun.." I stuttered, hoping that he wouldn't try anything in public.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything." He sighed. "Not here, not now with these many people around in an open space." He smirked. I blushed. B-Bastard!

I turned away and saw the princess walking towards me.

"Thank you for saving me. Call me Orihime!" She smiled.

"My pleasure, Orihime-sama. I'm Sakura." I bowed.

"Just call me Orihime!" She pouted.

"Give up, imouto. She is very respectful." Hiroshi said.

"You know her, Nii-san?"

"N-No! Alright, I'll call you Orihime-chan?" I said.

"Yay!" She squealed. "I'll go back to my room to take a bath. Please excuse me." She said and went away.

"Hmph. Getting all the glory for just defeating a couple of ninjas." A voice said.

"Eiji! Behave yourself! They did save our sister!" Hiroshi said.

"Hmph." Eiji looked away angrily.

"We did not ask for this glory. We are simply doing our job. That is what we ninjas do. Risk our lives for everything. Even for protecting things, such as scrolls, books, letters and such. We have no time to enjoy the glory, or even think about it. We are too busy on trainings and missions. Thinking about life and enjoying it with our love ones while we can. We don't know how long we have left. And may I tell you that it isn't a couple of ninjas? It is over 20+ rogue ninjas that we fought. One of them are from the Yamauchi clan."

Eiji was silent. Hiroshi smiled at me.

"What do you know about death." Eiji stated rather than asked.

"In fact, I do. I was close to death once, but I manage to live anyway. There are a couple of times I risked my life without thinking, but that's just me. I have also..seen deaths of my beloved ones. In front of me.. On my feet." I said and smiled sadly.

"How can you even smile?" Eiji asked.

"Let's see.. Because those that died doesn't want to see us sad, won't they? We have to be strong and move on. Stop holding on to the past. What's the use? Why make your life miserable? That would hold no meaning in living, won't it?" I smiled.

Eiji looked at me for a minute and walked away. I looked at him until he disappeared from my view.

Hiroshi sighed and said,"That kid.. Hope he will wake up soon."

"What happened?" I asked.

Hiroshi looked at me for a minute and said,"He had a twin brother, but he died when he was 6. Both of them were very close, so he couldn't get over him. He was killed by ninjas, so he hates them and he began to hate everybody."

"I see.." I stared at the space.

"Hey, follow me to the garden for a minute." He said. Before I said anything, he pulled me away.

Little did they know.. Hiroshi's parents, Kakashi and Gaara saw them. Each with different things in mind.

She will be a good queen.. The King thought.

My son is finally growing up.. The Queen cried tears of joys mentally.

Where. Is. He. Going. With. My. Cherry. Blossom?! Don't here dare touch her.. Kakashi growled and thought of 100 hundred ways to torture him.

Why do they seem close?? Why do I bother?? Gaara thought and slapped his mind.

Published: December 2014
Edited: 21 January 2017

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