I Promise

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The next two days at the cabin were eating me up. Should I tell Jason and Matthew now? Or should I wait until I was certain that this could be held up in court. The Momoas were tactical in some forms. I'd hate for them to find out what I knew and find a way to clean it up again.

I was currently upside down on the couch, watching Rho's video again. Suddenly, I heard the house phone ring. I paused Rho's video and ran to catch it. I hope it was Matthew calling to invite me over for food again.

"Hello!" I answered.

"You home?"

Ah shit, it's not Matthew.

"Yes, I-"

"I'm coming over." Then I heard a click to the dial tone.

Well this ought to be interesting. Jason was coming over and I had no idea why.

"Oh shit! Let me hide that VCR," I ran from the kitchen and back into the living room. I popped out the VCR and franticly looked around for a place to hide it. My eyes set on a basket full of old magazines. I took out the magazines, placed the VCR on the very bottom of the basket, and put all the magazines back in.


I almost hopped out of my skin at the sudden sound of thunder. I placed my hand on my beating heart and turned to the glass screen that led out to the patio. The sky was dark and grey. The pitter patter of rain started to come down on Kailua. This was the first thunderstorm I've witnessed being here this far.

Jason's coming here through this storm? Can't be.

Yet, a few minutes later, I heard the doorbell. I fixed my wrinkled boyfriend shirt and looked down at my old, worn Bratz Doll pajama shorts that I've owned since I was a little girl.

Damn. Forgot to change.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid... -" I hit my forehead as I repeated the word. I did this up until my hand was on the doorknob.

"Coming," I sang and opened the door. What I saw behind the door was...


I bit my lip and leaned my body on the door frame. I bit the tip of my thumb nail and looked at the sopping wet Adonis in front of me.

"Well, well," I huffed like Maleficent, "Got caught in the rain, I see?"

"Go get me a towel," Jason rolled his eyes and flipped his hair back. He took both of my hands and slid them to the back of his head, squeezing as much water from his dark, wavy, loose hair. By him doing so, I saw under his rock-like triceps. His wet wife beater clung to every dip and curve of his chest and torso.

"Are you going to keep on staring or are you going to let me walk in and wet the floor in order to get the damn towel myself?" he questioned, wringing the water out of his drenched wife-beater shirt.

"Y-yeah. H-hold on," I stuttered and turned around. I ran to the half-bathroom and looked under the sink for a baby blue full towel. I looked in the mirror and splashed some water on my chest to cool myself down. My skin was getting warm and a bit flushed. I closed my eyes and looked to the ceiling, clutching the towel tightly in my grasp.

"Whew, Jesus please get me through the night," I silently prayed, "In your name I pray, Amen."

I got a hold of my breathing, shook myself silly, and left the bathroom calmly. Once I got back to Jason, I handed him the towel. He grabbed it out of my hand and started drying off his arms and legs. He then roughly rubbed his hair and attempted to wipe down his clothes.

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