A Piece of Paradise Pt. 2

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The long, drawn-out pause was suffocating. My plastered smile was getting harder to hold. I felt constipated and frightened at the same time because I just witnessed a gun pressed to someone's temple and I had no one to freak out to. I wanted to burst like a pack of Gushers so bad.

The weird couple kept their peculiar stare on me, as they studied me head to toe. Suddenly, Jason cleared his throat and scratched his thick beard.

"Okay," I said under my breathe and took my seat during the distraction. I was about to lean over to Jason to express what I just witnessed, but I was interrupted by the older woman again.

"What a beautiful young woman you have with you two!" The fancy woman finally said in awe. She stuck out her hand across the table to reach me.

"Bernadette." I took it gently and shook it.

"Thank you. I'm Stella," I replied. Jason's cautious stare on our encounter was off-putting and it had me rethink my decision to greet her so kindly. Something was off.

Extremely off.

"Ms. Stella," She said in an airy tone, "My goodness, Matthew, what is this exotic creature doing amongst your presence," Bernadette glanced at Matthew with a playful smirk on her face. She still had my hand in her tight grip.

Exotic? Pardon?

Okay pause. Now, I didn't think it was necessary to mention that the woman in front of me was indeed a bougie, white bitch. I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt until she used that adjective.

Zebras were exotic. Pythons were exotic. But for me? A human? Exotic.

Matthew caught how offended I was by the slight drop of my jaw and the wrinkles formed upon my forehead. He reached for my hand to release me.

He better disconnect us for Bernadette's sake.

"She's actually a guest of ours at the resort. And, she more of Jason's speed-" He chuckled nervously.

"makuakāne?!" Jason sneered.

"What?" Matthew shrugged his shoulders.

"And who might you two be?" I crossed my hands in front of my chest and leaned back. I had had enough of this weird conversation. At this point, the man in the back kitchen was probably already dead by now because this damn woman wanted to call me an exotic creature! That was until the man standing next to her finally spoke as well.

"I am Joseph Momoa. Uncle of Jason Momoa. Ex brother-in-law to Matthew. Happy to be in your presence madam."

"I wish I could say likewise," I accidentally said out loud as realization struck my face.

This was Rho's wicked brother that's been giving Matthew hell.

"Pardon me?" Joseph said in defense. Matthew was too busy tripping over his words to redirect the conversation because he couldn't believe his ears either. Stella was done playing the nice guest. The wife even gave an equally defensive gasp.

Oh, you hush up. You're only with Joseph because you like exotic things, heffa.

"You heard me. I've heard about you and what you're trying to plot. You ought to be ashamed of yourself you know that?" I was getting riled up too fast. I could sense it, for Jason placed a hand on my knee under the table warning me to cool it.

Oh, don't stop me from going too far now.

"Papa, how does she know about that?" Jason said accusingly.

"No Jason don't get on Matthew for speaking the truth. Your kinfolk a bunch of snakes and you two deserve better than what you've been dealt."

"I think this conversation surpasses your pay grade, sweetheart. Why worry about a dusted resort that could easily be made into a million-dollar investment? Obviously you silly girl have no clue about business," Joseph said in a condescending tone.

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