Out of Any Bitch, I'm the Hardest in the Litter

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"Mo' what I'm telling you is the truth, hoe! Why the hell would I make this up," I threw my hands up in frustration at Monique who watching me on Skype.

Mo's face read, "Bitch why ya lying?" as she folded her arms in front of her chest. The slight tapping of her ring finger let me know that Mo' wasn't convinced by the slightest bit.

"You have plenty of reasons to lie, Stallion! You're probably itchin' like a crackhead to get into your emails just to do busy work! I mean what's the deal sis?"

"That's not true Mo' and you know it. And, there is no deal with me! I've been enjoying every moment of my vacation thus far."

"Well, I ask because if I was dipping my big toe in clear ass water, getting hunted by a boar, and eating my tail off, I wouldn't be worried about no damn job!"

"Which is exactly why this is an emergency. I wouldn't be asking if this wasn't important. Pretty please tell Mrs. Rodriguez to give me back my access. Jason and Matthew's livelihood depends on it," I grasped my hands together, pleading to her with my bottom lip poked out. It seemed to have worked because Mo' gave up the hard front and rolled her eyes.

"Fine-uh hold on," Mo' held a finger up to me as a nurse came into the screen, unknowingly, and handed Mo' an iPad.

"Her iron seemed a bit low, but other than that the kid is ready for you, Dr. Blanch," the nurse said to Mo'.

He's a pretty, chocolate nurse, too eowww.

"Thank you, Nurse Joshua. I'll be there in a quick minute," Mo' took the iPad from Nurse Joshua and dismissed him. She was typing up some notes and looking at the pre-examination records.

"Now where was I-" she began to speak again.

"About to tell me what's Nurse Joshua's phone number," I said while twirling one of my feed-in braids around my finger.

"Aht-Aht, no. Number 1 he's married and number 2, aren't you suppose to be on Mission 'Make Jason Want To Fuck Me?' am I right?" She shut me down without glancing up from her iPad. That was a good thing or she would've seen me go into a mini freak-out session by her last statement.

"Well, not when you put it like that Mo', damn! You makin' me sound like a thirsty hoe!"

"Your words not mine," she sang.

Monique is such an ass sometimes I sweaaa'.

"You know what, forget about it! Just promise me you'll reach out to Mrs. Rodriguez and CORRECTLY explain to her my predicament as to why I need my work access again," I said slowly.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Mrs. Rodriguez, the wench couldn't live without work so she found work in Hawaii to do, FOR FREE might I add, in order for her to jump on that man dick overseas," she explained all while multitasking on the iPad.


"I'm kidding, shit! I'll let her know I promise baby sis. Just as long as you promise that you'll get you a night with Jason alone on the beach for sunrise sex as compensation, capisce?" She questioned with a serious look on her face. However, she couldn't contain her laughter, while I sat there unamused once again.

"I see why they call it 'pro-bono'! Get it?! AHHH," she hollered, throwing her head back.

"Just do what the fuck I told you to, bye," I replied in a monotone before I started closing my laptop.

"DON'T RUN FROM ME FRENN-" were the last things I heard before the call disconnected. I leaned back on the sofa in exhaustion.

After last night, I couldn't get a good night's rest without thinking about this pending case. All I could focus on was getting into the public records through my work access, online, or even through Honolulu's City Hall.

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