Unnecessary Woman

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"-And then Jason grabbed him by his hair and threw him out of the restaurant. Oh, Matthew, he caused such a scene I didn't know what to do but just look!" I exasperatedly retold today's past events, flailing my arms as I sat slumped in the beach chair next to the fire pit.

Matthew was greasing the pig with seasoning and rotating it on the spit so that the fire could take turns licking at the pig's skin. It started to smell smoky, yet so flavorful. I couldn't wait to sink my teeth in it.

"I could only imagine. Jason and Eddie have had it out for one another for quite some time now. It was only a matter of time for Jason to get his hands on him after- Never mind. Ipo, could you hand me the barbeque sauce in that big bowl on side of you."

I happily obliged, but still caught Matthew's short-ended sentence just now. I raised my eyebrow at Matthew, waiting for him to finish his sentence. Stella was a nosey hoe, and this drama reminded me of my MawMaw's daytime stories she'd watch on television. I just wanted to scream out to Matthew-


"Now, where was I? Oh yes. Well, Eddie is the son of my late wife's brother, Joseph. Joseph and his son have had it out for Jason and me for quite some time, as well. Even when, Rho was still living. They never took too kindly to us," Matthew dryly chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. He placed extra emphasis on that one word, meaning that this story had not-so-humble beginnings. He tried to make this situation seem as calm and collected as possible. Yet, he knew this storm brewed hotter than what he was putting on.

"I couldn't imagine someone having it out for you, Matthew. You took so much time caring and loving, Rho. What brother wouldn't want that for his sister?" I started to pry more.

"It wasn't that I didn't treat Rho, right. That didn't matter to them, at least for what I could gather. It was because they thought I was not good enough for her. I was not good enough to marry someone of such higher stature. Rho's side of the family - The Momoas - is wealthy from their business in cashew farming. They have acres upon acres of land and agriculture, making them the tycoon of Hawaii and the States. I, for one, came from nothing."

"Nothing? This resort says otherwise."

"All kept up by my dear wife and her allowance. I was merely a stray boy, looking for work. Homeless and starving. I worked on one of Rho's father's lands for the duration of my young life. Watching from afar as young Rho blossomed into the lovely young woman I loved 'til this day. I would remember getting fussed at for not working because Rho would catch my attention, as she roamed through the fields, picking flowers to intwine in her hair. Then running away screaming when she picked a flower that a bumblebee sat on. She was such a card, I tell ya' " Matthew sat down, looking at his left hand that still bored a wedding band on his finger.

"Oh wow. That sounds so... romantic." I choked on some of my words but quickly cleared my throat.

Come on Stella. Pull it together. Don't cry in the club, I swear-

"Oh yes, it was quite the Nicholas Sparks' novel. Surprised I knew that, huh, Ipo." He laughed a bit at my shocked expression. I quickly replaced my widened eyes with a loving smile and joined in laughter with Matthew.

"Don't mind me, Matthew! So, continue; did you and Rho get married from there?" I nudged him to continue along with the story.

"Alas no; not yet at least. At the tender age of 19, Jason was conceived unexpectedly. Rho and I couldn't get enough of each other and we always snuck off in the deepest of nights so that we could spend time together before dawn. I still don't know how I caught the attention of such grace and beauty. When her father found out he was furious. Disappointed, he kicked Rho out with her allowance and sent her on her way with me, who was freshly unemployed. Boy, I tell ya, working random jobs just to make ends meet and care for your family was tough; emasculating even. I didn't feel like a man. I felt like a failure."

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