Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

I stayed calm as I walked in the room, and faced my mom. She was carrying a couple pans to put back in the cabinet when her eyes glossed over me, and Yuki. I instinctively flinched when I saw her eyes go wide and she nearly dropped the pans.

My mom was staring at me with an expression I wanted to turn away from. No backing out now. I wasn't surprised that she would have figured it out. My mom is rather observant and Yuki looked a lot like me. So there was no way she wouldn't catch on.

Then she spoke in a shocked tone, that came out as a whisper.

I. Midoriya: I-Izuku?

I pushed down my anxiety for the moment and spoke up. I knew we needed to have this conversation. This was happening, I needed to tell her everything. I couldn't get scared now.

Midoriya: Mom, I need to tell you something...
Todoroki's POV:
I was back home, keeping my phone on. Izuku told me that he'd call or text me later to tell me how it went. I was really cheering him on at this point. But I also got this bad feeling. This made me even more anxious to answer that call or read the text he'd send.

I was avoiding my siblings at the moment, Natsuo got over the whole training camp incident and just went back to the same old thing, and Fuyumi went back to letting him yell at me for things I never did. Luckily I hadn't seen Kiken-San. And nobody noticed my ring.

They were out visiting mom again and didn't bother inviting me, I never heard from them about their visit either. So at this point, I was home alone.

I was sitting silently in my room for over half an hour before I finally got a text from Izuku. I got a text earlier but it was from Toya asking how I was doing.

I quickly pulled up the message and read it.

It didn't go well
At all.

I felt my heart sink when I read that, and I quickly responded.

I'm sorry, Izuku
How bad was it?

I got kicked out...
Is it okay if Yuki and I stay with you?

I responded really quickly.

Of course you can.
My father should be gone for a couple weeks. And I don't think my siblings will do anything.
Where are you?

I'm still in my neighborhood.
I can walk.

It's going to rain soon.
And you still have Yuki, she's a baby.
Let me help you.

Okay, I'll wait for you.
Thank you, Shoto

You're welcome.
I'll get there as soon as I can.

I immediately went down and grabbed a couple raincoats and an umbrella before I went out. I still kept my old raincoat in case Izuku or a friend ever needed it. I quickly headed out to Izuku's neighborhood, with me running it took about twenty to thirty minutes.

By the time I got there it started raining and I saw Izuku under a tree with Yuki. It was clear he was crying. I ran over to him and immediately pulled him into a tight hug.

Todoroki: Oh, Izuku... I'm so sorry. It's going to be okay, I'm still here. Okay? I'm still here...

I eventually managed to get him to calm down, and we just sat there under the tree hugging each other tightly.

Todoroki: What happened...?

It took a minute for Izuku to answer, but when he did I felt my heart clench at his words.

Midoriya: I introduced her to Yuki, I told her that you were Yuki's father, and I told her about us and the wedding. Then we got into an argument, she wouldn't listen to me when I tried to explain everything you were involved with. We were eventually yelling at each other, it made Yuki get upset and start crying and... when that happened she just told me to get out...

Todoroki: Oh, Izuku...

I held Izuku even tighter then.

Todoroki: You can stay with me for a while. We'll still have to hide Yuki, I know for a fact that my siblings won't cover for us. And I have a feeling that they'll treat the news the same as your mother if not worse. But I can easily show you as a friend that needed help. As I said before my father shouldn't be back for a couple weeks. So you'll both be safe.

Izuku finally looked up at me and managed a weak smile. I gently wiped away his tears with my thumb and we relaxed for a few minutes.

It started raining less, I still told Izuku to put a coat on, he did. And I carried Yuki while holding the umbrella. She was still really young at that point, I didn't want to risk her getting sick, so I used my quirk to keep her warm as well.

When we got back I led Izuku up to my room and we managed to lay out a small bed area for Yuki, and Izuku could sleep with me. My siblings were supposed to arrive in half an hour. So I went downstairs and found some old clothes from when my sister was a baby. They looked about Yuki's size, and I went out and got necessary supplies for at least a week.

I went back upstairs and saw Izuku feeding Yuki, still clearly upset. I went beside him and pulled him into a hug, trying to show as much love as I could give.

Todoroki: I'm really sorry that happened, Izuku... How, did she first react...?

Izuku looked at me and then back at Yuki.

Midoriya: She was shocked, it took a minute or so for her to snap out of it. She actually didn't seem super angry at first, but then she saw that Yuki looked like you, a—and I told her about us... I explained everything that happened... then she got angry... I thought it was because of how long I waited to tell her, but she said she didn't care about that, just that I was in this situation and I got pregnant from you of all people at my current age. She even mentioned us not even being married. So then I snapped back and told her about the wedding... and... I don't want to repeat parts of the argument, she said some really horrible things about you...

I pulled Izuku closer and shook my head.

Todoroki: I don't care about what she said about me, she kicked you out, Izuku. She had you go out into the rain with no nearby places to go, when she knew that you had a two month old baby with you. I'm much more worried about you and Yuki than anything else...

Izuku shut his eyes and leaned on me.

Midoriya: I, I don't know... I think I'll feel a little better after a while, but it just hurts... I don't know if we'll ever be able to talk it out, I don't know if I'll be on good terms with my mom ever again!

Izuku was crying again and I hugged him tightly. I remembered what happened with my mom, how she seemed to act like she cared when she really hated me, and then lashed out when I tried mending it because she thought I hurt Toya.

It made my heart ache at the thought of Izuku going through something even mildly similar to that. His mom used to be his only family for nearly his whole life, and yet she forgot that, and tossed him out, just like that, like he was never her child in the first place, all because of our daughter, our marriage.

I hugged Izuku even tighter. All I could do then was give him what I needed when I had the vase thrown at me. Comfort and love.

Todoroki: Shh... hey, everything is going to be okay... everything is going to be okay... I'm still here for you... I'll never leave you... I promise... It's going to be okay... I love you.

That seemed to majorly calm him down, and that last sentence made him look up at me and smile, with tears still rolling down his cheeks.

Midoriya: Th—Thank you, Shoto!

Izuku had placed Yuki down and started hugging me tightly.

Todoroki: You're welcome, I love you...

Izuku responded between sobs.

Midoriya: I love you, too...

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