11 - Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

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"Reagen, can you man the shop tonight? I have some business to attend to," My father said, and I nodded. He left, heading in the directions of the woods. Suspicious, I flipped the sign over and followed him. I found Emma's car wrecked, and them talking. "She was meeting me," I heard my father say.

I crept closer, hiding behind a tree. "What are you doing out here with her?" Emma asked. "Just a little business transaction," He said. "What's in the briefcase?" Sidney asked. "Everything comes at a price. Land is no different," He said.

"That's why you're meeting out her out here? Regina bought your land?" She asked. "The very ground you're standing on,"  He said. "What does she want it for?" She asked.  "You know, in business, I find it's best not to ask too many questions. Hurts the bottom line. The question is, Emma, why are you standing out here in the middle of the night with Mr. Glass?" He asked. "You don't know what Regina did to me. You don't know what she did to her son. We can't just sit idly by," Glass said.

"Of course you can. Be careful. Emotional entanglements can lead us down very dangerous paths," He said as I went back to Emma's car, then came back. "Emma? Emma?" I called, walking into the clearing. "Reagen? What are you doing here?" He asked. "I got a call from Emma. She said her car broke down," I said. Emma gave me a confused look, then realized I was faking it.

"Well, good luck on getting that car fixed," My father said, then left. Later, Emma tried to expose Regina, but Regina played it off. Afterward, my father and I went up to her and Sidney. "Look at her. Queen of the castle. You know, what you did in there was commendable, Ms. Swan, but if you really want to bring her down, you're gonna need a strong ally," He said. "Like yourself? Thanks, but I'm still not interested," She said. "Oh, one can wish," He said, then walked away, but I hung around.

"Emma, what you did was brave. But I'd lay low for a while. You have no idea what she can and will do to you,"

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