Chapter 1

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Ryder Mathis

The weather had finally broken from the rain and nasty we'd been getting hit with, making the drive to the Hunt's lake house perfect. Sitting in the back seat of Cole's truck, I watched as the scenery wirred by and my friends bantered on.

"Hey, yo, Cole. Is Blake gonna be there?" Jamison hung on the back of Cole's seat.

"Absolutely not. This is my week," Cole bit back as his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel.

"Who is Blake?" I asked, only knowing I'd get shit for not speaking up more during the ride.

"Cole's twin," Jamison hung back and punched the back of Cole's seat.

"Aw, good deal." I zoned back out and slid my headphones back in place. Whatever else was said, Cole punched Scott, riding shotgun, as Scott and Jamison howled with laughter.

Laying my head back against the headrest, I rested the remainder of the trip.

Finals week had been draining and Cole inviting me out for a week of mindless fun was the last thing that I had expected. Although I didn't know what to expect, my hope was for a semi-relaxing week away with the guys.

Cole and I had met in a business class in my second year. He was shit with numbers but they made sense to me. Most of our meetings had been at the library to study but in my final year, he convinced me to come party with him. Outside of studying, we had hung out a few times, which is where I met Scott and Jamison. All three of them were roommates and hosted parties that the entire campus would talk about for weeks.

Surprisingly, they didn't have to tell many people. Word of mouth about their parties was explosive. With the last one they threw, they nearly burned down the trees in their backyard with fireworks, I was sure had to have been illegal.

Just like me, they all three had just graduated. The last party they threw was monumental. There were midget strippers, a dancing dog, and a few other acts that I missed. I hadn't stuck around long, but judging by the trailer, I'm pretty sure some guy was unloading a donkey or pony as I left.

I shook my head and drifted off to the memories of this past year. Wild! Before I'd met Cole, I stuck to myself. With school and work, I kept myself busy.

With little warning, Cole came to a slamming halt and I heard him bellow a string of curses. Blinking at the bright surroundings, I could see the shimmering lake through the trees. As my eyes adjusted, I could see two cars in the large driveway.

"I thought we were supposed to be on our own this week. Who's that?" I sat up in my seat as I lowered my headphones to my neck.

"We are," grumbled Cole as he threw his door open, got out, and slammed it behind him.

Turning to Jamison I asked, "What's with him?"

"Yeah, he'll be fine." His crooked grin and squinted eyes told me he knew more about the situation than I did. Pointing past the windshield, he indicated the cars.

"I don't get it. Whose cars are those?"

"Well, the little red one is Blake's." Scott responded.

"This makes this trip so much better," Jamison climbed out, smoothing out wrinkles in his clothes. Quickly following after where Cole had headed.

Music blasted from the back of the house. Curious, I walked with Scott. Leaving our bags in the car to get later.

When we reached the back deck, I took in the scene before me. Looking out across the water, the back of the house had a deck that looked down on a giant pool and hot tub. The lawn was well maintained with a fire pit set close to the water near the dock and boathouse. I remembered that Cole's family had money, but I wasn't expecting this.

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