Chapter 8

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The end of vacation was coming, and I hated it. 

Ryder had started his morning runs again, which left me to waking up in an empty bed.

On a brighter note, Cole and Troy seemed to have turned over a new page and were somewhat agreeable to the rest of the house. Kayla even sat next to Troy at a bonfire the night before.

A knock at the door made me realize I'd been staring at the ceiling. "Who is it?" I asked without moving.

"Your smokin' hot bestie. Who else would it be?" Kayla sounded from the other side of Ryder's door. "Is your man in there with you?"

"No," I giggled.

"Are you decent?"

"Does it matter?" I responded.

She laughed and opened the door. "Nope! So I was thinking," she said as she climbed onto the bed and sat on her heels. "We are all kind of going in different directions soon and I was hoping to get all us girls together for brunch."

"That sounds lovely. When?"

"Today? In," she glanced at her watch and then pursed her lips. "In about an hour?"

Glancing at the alarm clock on the dresser. 9:00 AM. Ryder should have been back already.

"I'm down. Are the guys going?"

"Nope. Again, I just want to get us girls together. One last girls date before we scatter into the wind."

"Okay, but you know you can't get rid of me that easily, right? There will be more time to hang out, it's not like we will be too far away!"

"True. I think Pittsburg is only about six hours from DC. We could make monthly lunch dates in the middle."

"I would love that."

Diving into the pillows, Kayla wrapped me in a hug. She stopped mid squeeze to inhale deeply into Ryder's pillow.

"Holy fuck!" She buried her head into his pillow, and I laughed! "No wonder you've been fucking so much! He smells amazing!"

I laughed harder and joined her. Instead of getting up and moving, we lay there and chatted about the crazy whirlwind of a vacation we were having. 

When Ryder finally came through the door, he gave us a lopsided smirk and pulled off his shirt with one hand.

"Gooood mornin' Ryder," Kayla said as she ogled at him.

"Morning ladies," he returned. Walking around the bed, he gave me a kiss before disappearing into the bathroom.

Kayla let out a low whistle. Giving her a shove, she rolled off the bed and out the door; I closed it behind her in a fit of giggles.

When Ryder reemerged from the bathroom, he cautiously checked the room to make sure the coast was clear.

I recapped what Kayla had brought up and he smiled. "I think Scott has been wanting to go do something away from some of the others," he raised a brow and I knew exactly who he was referring to. "May take Jamison too."

My phone pinged followed by his soon after. A group text had been sent and I read it out loud, "Last party of vacation. Kegs, pizza, music, and good vibes tonight." I looked up and gave Ryder a look of annoyance. I said, "Sent from Cole. I wonder if he even asked anyone else about doing this thing."

"At least we are getting a heads up this time." He pulled his shirt on and gave me a partial smile. "If you let me, I'll show them all that we don't care what they think."

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