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Wow, I actually wrote a chapter with some Jaya scenes. That's unusual. I hope you like it!

—————Nya's POV—————-

"How do we defeat this guy?!" Cole yells in frustration. "Nothing we do is making any difference!"

"Um... you can't really defeat him," Zane says. "They're indestructible, duh."

I plant a flying kick in the middle of the soldier's chest, but I get knocked to the ground.

"We need to come up with something, fast!" Kai says. "Or else who knows what kinds of damage this guy can cause."

"Let's try all our powers at once!" I suggest as I dodge the warrior's sword. It's the only thing I can think of.

"Worth a shot!" Jay agrees.

On three, we all hit the stone warrior with our powers. I focus on using my element, and the sphere of green energy expands and brightens. Seconds later, the mass bursts, leaving nothing where it stood.

"Whoa," Cole mutters. "It actually worked."

"No, that wasn't us— it was Nya," Kai says. "She did that."

I stare at the place the soldier was standing, not knowing what do say or do. Did I really just make that "indestructible" warrior disappear?

————-back on the bounty———-

"So, let me get this straight," y/n says. "You used your powers on the samurai and then he just poofed into thin air."

"Pretty much," I say.

Y/n looks confused, but then seems to come to a conclusion. "I... I think I'm starting to see why maybe you're a better fit to be the green ninja."

"R-really? Why?"

"I don't know how, and I don't exactly know why, but you're incredibly powerful. Lloyd wouldn't have been able to defeat a stone warrior like you just did."

I look down at my hands. I don't know if that was supposed to be a compliment, but either way, it makes me blush.

After a moment of silence, Sensei speaks up. "Well, it's been a long day. I think it's time we all go to bed."

We all say goodnight then head to our bedrooms. I'm about to close my door when I see Jay limping to get to his room.

"Jay?" I ask. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

I narrow my eyes at him. "You're lying."

He laughs nervously. "No, really, I'm fine."

I grab his arm, swing it around my shoulder, and help him hobble over into the living room. I make him sit on the couch while I go and get the first aid kit.

"I'm okay, Nya. Don't worry about me," Jay protests.

I shake my head disbelievingly. "What hurts?"

After a moments hesitation, he points to his shin. I kneel down in front of him and roll up his pant leg, which reveals a deep gash on his skin.

I look up at him in shock. "Why didn't you say anything?"

He shrugs. "I can handle a little cut."

"Little cut? This is a dangerous laceration!" I say. "I'm going to put some alcohol on it to prevent infection; it might sting a bit."

Jay clenches his teeth as I dab a small amount of rubbing alcohol on his wound. I do it slowly, so that he's not in a lot of pain. Once I've cleaned the gash, I bandage his shin up.

"There," I say. "If you take care of yourself, your leg should heal nicely."

"Thanks," he says bashfully. "You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to," I reply, helping him stand up. "I can't stand to see you hurt."

I help Jay walk to the room he shares with the guys, but he doesn't open the door.

"I don't want to wake them up," he whispers.

I think for a moment. "You can sleep in my room."

He glances down at me. "Won't that look suspicious?"

"Not if you're on the bed and I'm on the floor."

"Oh, no you don't. There's no way I'm letting you sleep on the floor."

"My room, my rules. Come on."

I push the door open quietly, and help Jay to the bed. After helping him settle in, I grab a couple extra blankets and pillows to start making myself at home on the floor. Jay tried to convince me to take the bed at first, but after a few minutes, he stopped protesting because he fell asleep. Aww, he must be really tired.

"Goodnight, Jay," I mutter, even though he's already snoring. "You'll be okay."

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