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---------Lloyd's POV, dinnertime----------

"Here's to Nya finding her power," Jay toasts, raising his cup.

"To Nya!" the rest of us cheer, then take a sip of our tea. After setting our cups down, we all dig into the amazing meal Zane prepared.

A few minutes later, Sensei breaks the silence. "Now that Nya knows how to use her power of energy, she's one step closer to the final battle. Be wary of this: the stronger she gets, the more evil can sense her, so be on guard at all times."

"I think it's time we crank our training up a notch," Cole suggests. "We've all grown a lot, but the worst has yet to come. "

"Right!" Kai says. "I think we've all learned the basics of our powers."

"I don't," y/n sighs. "But yeah, you guys should train harder to be prepared for anything."

Sensei smiles sympathetically. "Don't worry, young ninja. Your time will come."

"I'll bet your element is silver-coloured, since that's what surrounded you during the tornado of creation," Nya comments.

"Perhaps," Sensei says. "Although, the colours silver and grey sometimes indicate a spinjitsu master without an element."

"Like the Phantom Ninja?" Y/n asks.

"Phantom Ninja?" The rest of us repeat.

Sensei glares at y/n. "Curse you, Cloud Kingdom child. I don't want to explain this!"

"Sorry, I thought they knew."

"Sensei?" Zane questions. "Who is the Phantom Ninja?"

"He's technically non-cannon, so don't worry about it," y/n says.

"What does 'cannon' mean?" Jay asks.

"Never mind," y/n sighs, and stands up. "I'm going to go train for a little bit."

"I'll come," I say, and bring my empty plate to the kitchen.

"No, that's alright. I'd rather be alone for a bit," y/n protests while washing both our plates.

"Oh, okay," I say, and watch as y/n leaves the room, staring at the ground.

---------------y/n's POV------------------

What is wrong with me? I yell internally. Why am I so useless?

I start punching the training dummies in frustration. I'm about to strike with all my force when a sound outside catches my attention.

I head up to the deck to see what's causing it. I look over the edge of the bounty, and I'm horrified to see a stone samurai rampaging through the streets.

"N-no... that's not..." I mutter, shaking my head is disbelief. The manuscript changed again.

I pull on the lever controlling the anchor and watch as it drops down to the ground. Right before I swing over the side to slide down the chain, I hear a voice.

"Y/n, wait!" Lloyd cries. "What's going on?"

"Tell the others to suit up!" I order. "I'm going to try and lead the warrior away from the city."

"Warrior?" He asks.

"Just go!"

He runs back below deck to warn the ninja while I slide down the anchor. Once I'm near the bottom, I jump off the chain and run towards the danger. I have to dodge a bunch of people running away, but eventually I make it to the samurai.

"Hey! Big guy!" I shout at it. "Pick on someone your own size!"

The soldier turns to me, and starts to charge. I gulp. I did not think this through.

"Leave our friend alone!" Zane shouts from behind me.

He and the others run past me to attack the stone samurai. I try to warn them that their weapons won't do any good, but they don't hear me over the screaming civilians.

"We're not even making a dent!" Cole exclaims. "What is this guy made of?"

"Indestructible matter only found on the dark island," a voice answers.

"Thanks for the input, lady, but you should leave the butt-kicking to us," Jay says as he moves her away.

"I may not be a ninja, but I can take care of myself!"

Wait a second. I know that line...

"Misako?" I ask.

"How do you know my name?"

"I... uh..." I stammer. "You're the one who dug up this dude, weren't you? I saw it on the museum pamphlet."

"Wait, what?" Kai exclaims as he gets thrown backwards. "You mean to tell me this thing has been underneath us all this time?"

"Yes, but it was inanimate for centuries," Misako explains. "The venom of the great devourer must have brought it back to life."

"Nya! Try using your powers!" Zane suggests.

Nya stops fighting for a second to concentrate, then manages to make a sphere of green energy. She throws it at the warrior, but all it does is make him mad.

"I-I don't... I don't understand," Misako stutters. "The prophecy, I thought..."

"Yeah, I know, it was a shock to everyone," I say. "Things got a little screwed up."

"Y/n! Bring the lady back to the bounty," Cole orders.

"But I wanna help!"

Cole backs away from the warrior and puts his hands on my shoulders. "I don't want you getting hurt. Please, just go back to the ship."

"Fine," I mutter, then take Misako's hand and run back to the bounty.

Lloyd had somehow managed to steer the bounty down to the ground, which made it easier for Misako and I to get on board.

"Y/n! What's going on?" Lloyd asks, running towards us as we get up on deck.

"Hard to explain..." I say, scratching the back of my head nervously.

"Lloyd?" Misako mutters in disbelief. "Is that you?"

"Uh... y/n, who is this?"

"She's... um," I start, not sure how to put this. "Misako's your mother."


Allo! It's your socially awkward author here! *falls out of a tree*

Random question: what's everyone's favourite colour?

(^that may or may not have relevance to the story)

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