I gotta thanks Wei for teaching a lot of history, at times I think I should let her teach me at times. She's also pretty... (Y/n) no! Don't get ahead of yourself...

"Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point of the war in the third year of the war?" He asked the class. Weiss then rose her hand up, "Yes?"

"The Battle at Fort Castle!" Weiss told him. 

"Precisely!" He shouted and now somehow back at his deck. "And who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over the General Langue's Forces?" He asked. 

Cardin then flicked as grumble piece of paper onto Jaune waking him up, "Hey!" Jaune shouted annoyed. 

"Mr. Arc!" Oobleck shouted as the zoomed infront of Jaune. "Finally contribute to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?" He asked him. 

"Uhhhh... The Answer..." He said thinking really hard, "The advantage... of the Faunus... had over that's guy's stuff," he slowly said looking over to Pyrrha who's trying to tell him about their night-vision by using charades.  

"U-um, B-binoculars!" He answered. Everyone laughed, expect my team, Weiss, Blake, Phyrra and Velvet. Phyrra slapped her face. 

"That's... not even close..." Wei said quietly. 

"No shit, Wei," Zheng told her. 

"Very funny, Mr. Arc," Oobleck said zooming back to his desk. "Cardin! Perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject?" He asked him. 

"Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier," Cardin said. He then got smacked on the top of his head by Zheng, "Ow!" Cardin grumbled as he rubs his head. 

"You're not the most open-minded of individuals, are you, Cardin?" Pyrrha spoke bitterly. 

"What? You got a problem?" Cardin spat at her. 

"I got a problem with you..." Zheng spoke quietly. 

"Let's not get into fights again Zheng... You and Yang almost got in trouble with Glynda during the launch," Wei told her. 

I then raised my hand. "Ah (Y/n), did you know the answer?" He asked. 

"It's... um... Night-vision," I told him. 

"General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush them the Faunus in their sleep. His massive was outmatched, and the General was captured," Blake added. She then turns to Cardin and grinned, "Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered a such a failure."

Cardin growled and stands from his desk, wanting to attack Blake. 

"Mr. Winchester! Please take a seat," Oobleck demands him. Jaune snickers until Oobleck zooms to them both, "You and Mr. Arc both see me after class for additional readings." 

Jaunes groaned in annoyance...


*Timeskip brought to you by I don't know anymore*


Iris Pov. 

As we walked out of class, (Y/n) tapped me on my shoulder.

"Iris, can we talk in private?" She asked. 

I nodded in response. She smiled, as she looks over to Wei and Zheng, "I and Iris are going have a chat, we'll meet you back at the dorm," She told them. 

They both nod as they left. (Y/n) then grabbed my arm, and started to pull me. My heart stopped as she grabbed my arm. There was a faint blush on my cheeks as she drags me outside of Beacon.

'What? What's happening to me? What is this feeling?' I thought to myself. 

We then stopped outside of the entrance of Beacon, "Um... Iris," She spoke getting my intention. 

"Yes?" I asked recovering from whatever that was she did to me. 

"The knife... under your sleeve," She said pointing at my sleeve. 

It's where I instantly knew, that she saw and heard the whole thing. 

"It's about last night isn't it?" I asked her, wanting her to confirm it. 

"Y-yes..." She shyly said. "Why?" She asked knowing what she's asking. 

"I can't let anyone discover my identity, (Y/n). If one does, I must kill so I can keep myself safe," I explained. 

"S-so... you're willing to kill your own team?" She asked trying her best to keep calm. But I knew she was scared. 

"Yes, I would," I told her harshly. 

"Iris... why?" 

"It's what I do (Y/n). I was born into this, I was made for killing. Ever since birth, I've killed others already... I can't be something else (Y/n)" I told her. 

"T-then... then let me change you!" She said. 

"What is there to change (Y/n)?" I asked her. She'd looked into my emotionless eyes. She stared at eyes for a while before looking down in defeat, "Exactly, I'm not worth saving (Y/n). You're better of doing it to someone else," I said as I started to leave. 

Before I could leave her, She grabbed my arm with both of her hands, "I don't care! I'm going to help you! Whatever you like it or not!" She shouted. 

I was amazed by her determination, yet I refused. "Good luck, it's not worth it, (Y/n)," I said ripping my arm out of her grip, leaving her under the craked moonlight...

Third Pov.

(Y/n) watch Iris walked away from her. She looks down and sighed. Her hand curved into a fist as she looks up to the moon with a determined face. 

"I won't give in, not anymore. She won't be the monster like me..."


Third Pov. 

Cardin was one his scroll talking to someone.

"Yes, yes... I got a plan. Just you wait, for a few more days. I got it all planned, just wait and see," He told the man on the phone. 

"Yes, I got someone that could do it for me. With just the use of blackmail..."




A/n: Chapter done and I hoped you enjoy it.

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