"Why were you crying?" Gulf asked again.

Mew took Gulf's hands, entwined their fingers and sighed.

"It's my mom dad's anniversary today. The reason why I was born. I cannot wish either of them, coz they have moved on in their lives, leaving me alone." A tear tickled down from his face.

"I am sorry." Gulf clasped his hand. "You are not alone. I am with you." Gulf answered.

Mew smiled.

"Do you want to talk about your parents?" Gulf asked.

Mew nodded. "I was 10 years old when they separated. My father had been gay, but upon my grandpa's insistence, he had to get married. However, his affair with his boyfriend was not hidden. He had told mom earlier that he cannot have feelings for her. 12 years they remained in the marriage, when my mother fell in love with Panit Damiad, Saint's father. They talked to each other and decided to end their relationship. I was to leave with her, but my grandfather did not let that happen. He wanted an heir to his business. So, he forced my mom to abandon me."

Mew chuckled. "Funny, my mother did not even think about me and she just let me go. She is quite happy in her new family. I was forced upon them because of my grandfather's adamant attitude. They are both happy with their partners, and I was left alone. My grandfather was a disciplined man. He never showed any emotion towards me. None of my parents ever bothered to see how I was being brought up. The only happy time of my childhood was when I'd meet you."

Mew turned towards Gulf, who could not stop tears flowing from his eyes. Mew wiped his tears. "I missed you a lot. You were the only one, Gulf. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met you at that time. Thank you for being with me."

Gulf sniffed. "I will always be with you na Mew. Always." He cried and hugged Mew. They remained so for some time. Mew smiled.

He moved away, turned towards Gulf, held his hands. "Will you promise to be mine, forever?" He asked him. Gulf nodded.

"Will you always listen to whining whenever I am low?" Mew asked again. Gulf nodded.

"Will you always smile and lighten my world whenever I am lost?" Mew asked. Gulf nodded.

"Will you always love me?" Mew asked. Gulf nodded.

"Will you marry me?" Mew asked. Gulf nodded. Suddenly, he realized what Mew had asked. Blood rushed to his face and he was flushed. He didn't know how to react. He thought Mew was making fun of him, but when he looked into his eyes, Mew was looking at him with so much love and longing.

"I...ah..I...Mew..." Gulf stammered.

"Shh...it's okay. I was just taking chance. You can take your time, Gulf. I will wait for you." Mew replied.

Gulf was tongue tied. He did not know what to say. Mew turned back, leaned on his shoulder. Gulf was sitting there dumb struck.

"I think we should go back to the room. It's a bit cold here." Mew said. Gulf got up and went first. He cleared his bed for Mew to lay down and when to lay futon on the floor for himself. Mew held him back. He back hugged him.

"Sleep with me. I don't want to be alone tonight." Mew whispered. It sent chills in Gulf's spine. He simply nodded. Mew picked him up in his arms and lay him on the bed. He pulled the blanket and hugged Gulf closer. Gulf could hear Mew's heart beating louder.

"When did you come back?" Gulf asked.

"This evening. I wanted to immediately come to meet you. I missed seeing you for such a long time. But, when I was going through some documents and saw the date, it struck me. I was at a loss. So, I went to the bar to drink. I didn't want you to see me in this state, but in the end, I drove to your house." Mew answered.

"You were in front of the neighbor's house." Gulf corrected him.

"I know. I didn't want to wake your parents up. So, I stopped my car before." Gulf nodded to his answer.

There was silence. Gulf could hear Mew's heartbeat and nothing was more sweater sound than the one he was hearing.

"Gulf?" Mew called him.

"Yes, Mew?" Gulf asked.

"Could you sing me a song?" Mew asked, holding him tighter.

Gulf nodded and sang for him.

There's a calm surrender

To the rush of day

When the heat of a rolling wave

Can be turned away

An enchanted moment

And it sees me through

It's enough for this restless warrior

Just to be with you

And can you feel the love tonight?

It is where we are

It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer

That we've got this far

Mew was crying again. Gulf wiped his tears and sang for him.

Once the song was done, Gulf kissed his wet cheeks. Mew hugged him closer and drifted off to sleep. Gulf lay awake for a long time, hearing Mew's breathing sounds, watching his chest rising and falling, holding him tight. For a person, who's suffered so much, Mew contained a lot of love inside him. Only, he never had anyone to devour it upon. Gulf was the lucky one. But was he ready to accept his feelings for Mew? He wasn't sure.  

Mew Gulf Sweethearts (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now