Chapter 4: Adventure

Start from the beginning


Kain and Aiden were on my mind. Their appearances, their facial expressions, their attitudes were so different, yet the same. The demanding way Kain could walk up to me and kiss me, or the way Aiden's joking self would just steal a kiss from me and it would turn into something else. Aiden wasn't worried about me. He had other things to worry about, and so did I. I get up and get ready to go back to class.

Literature and Writing were my most favorite classes. I enjoy the improved motivations and examples the professors give off. Professor Jones was my favorite out of all the ones I had. He had a great mind set and creativity about writing. He was funny and good looking. Too bad he had a wife and a kid. 

"Professor Jones." Some girl raises her hand.

"Yes, Janice?"

Janice had a crush on the teacher. I would hear her tell her friends that he was so hot and that she wished he would kiss her. I would shake my head, I sometimes agreed with her, but never went that far.

"Are we going to have to present it out loud?" She asked the stupidest question. He had already said that we were going present our assignments out loud to get a grade. 

 "Miss Gardson, Please tell Miss Adams what I said we were going to do." He smirks at me and everyone looks up at Janice. I turn to her, "He said that we have to create a character revolving around desire and want. Tell of the person's emotions and why we chose for them to need that thing. And then to come in on Wednesday and present it to the class." I repeat his words. "Thank you, Nia." I nod to the teacher and all the kids laugh at Janice's embarrassed face. "Be ready to present your writing. Don't disappoint."

The bell rings and every starts to get up and leave.

 "Have a nice day you guys."

I stack up my stuff and hold it in my arms. When I step down and walk to the door, Professor Jones stops me.

 "Nia, can you stay back real quick?"

I nod and put my stuff down. When everyone leaves I stand there and stare at the teacher. "Yes?" I watch him as he picks up a paper out of the stack for our class. He looks up at me and reads it.

"Her touch was powerful, her words were damaging, and her love was threatening. Yet I couldn't reach her. She couldn't recall anything about me. When she looked at me, I saw no sign of recognition.  Her eyes didn't sparkle like they used to. She didn't smile or cry. She looked at me with confusion and turned the other way. She was blinded by him. He was brainwashing her, and that was killing me. Cause she believed him. She was putty in his hands and he didn't realize it. He didn't realize how fragile and beautiful she could be. How passionate and careful she was about life. How she was intelligent and graceful. And how much you had to make her feel loved before she ever realized that she was the most amazing thing on this planet. But she didn't feel that way with me anymore. She didn't remember, so she didn't know."  

He claps really loud as he finished reading my paper. "I told the class to write something that would bring lots of emotions. And you know by now that I am a hard man to bring emotions out of and that right there Miss Gardson made me want to ball my eyes out." He slammed my paper down on the table and looked up at me.

"I want you to continue that. Take the assignment I just gave you and combine it with this. I want to see what it can become. Who knows maybe you weren't just a one hit wonder with the right topic to write about." I nod and smile. "Will do." He comes over and puts his hands on my shoulders.

 "And thank you for always paying attention in my class. Unlike some people." I laugh.  "Alright well, I have to go." I said. He looks at me one more time before letting go. "Have a good day." He turns around towards his desk and I leave.

When I get to the room again for the second time today Piper was there and so was Ellie. "You know I don't do that." I heard as I walk in. Ellie turns and sees me from her and Piper cuddling on the bed. "Nia Hi!" She waves at me. "Hey." I set down my books and sit down on the bed. A flash of my episode comes back to me. "Shit," I whisper. I get up and go to the bathroom and splash water on my face.  

"Get it together Gardson," I mutter out loud. "Why are you talking to yourself?" Piper comes behind me. I turn and face her, "No reason." She gives me this weird look before moving around me. "Ellie and I are going to go to the store. Just wanted to tell you, in case you wanted anything." I shake my head. "No,  but thanks for asking." Piper nods and I leave the bathroom.

While they're gone, I distract myself. I didn't feel like doing my homework right away, and I didn't have a book to read. I grab my laptop that I got when I arrived here. It was a nice blue laptop that worked very well. I surfed the internet for stupid things, Checked my email and Skype to see if I had any miss calls. I decide to call my mom over Skype. She answers on the third ring. She had the phone faced weird, so I could only see her lips. "Mom move the camera up a little." She moved it and smiled.

"Hey baby girl." She says to me. "Hi, mom."  I smile at her. "How have you been? Is everything good for my baby?" she joked. I shake my head. "Don't mom." She laughs. "But yes, everything is fine," I tell her. "That's great. Now how are you really feeling?"  I sigh.

There were times when I could tell my mom everything, and then there were times where I just wanted her to read my mind and tell me that she knows what is bothering me. 

"I'm fine mom." I tell her. She purses her lips at me. "I know you. Now I know you probably watched the ESPN episode with Aiden on it." How did she know that? "And heard how he was in a relationship." I frown. "I did." I admit to her. "And now you're what? Sad, Depressed, Angry?"  I shake my head. "No momma, I'm not sad, depressed, or angry. I'm confused. I'm confused why every blonde I see I expect to see his face. Every time I fall asleep I've been having dreams about him." I confess to my mother all my troubling thoughts.

She told me that I needed to do something, but I had no idea what to do. Should I do something simple, like go out and get drinks? Or go to the extreme and go to a party again. I go with simple and put my jacket back on. Grabbing a book that I've wasted too much time to read, I google some close cafes nearby.

When I open the door I was staring right back at one of the people I hoped not to see for a while.

"Please leave." I tell Kain. 

"Rude much." He laughs.

 I smirk at him. "Learned from the best."  

He rolls his eyes at me and looks around the room. "Piper here?" I shake my head. "Nope, so you can leave. Cause I'm about to go somewhere." I close the door and walk down to the hall. "Where?" He said in a deep voice.

"In my skin, when I jump out. You just in." I said.

                I hear him laugh behind me. "Just for that. I'm going to go with you." I turn around and stop. "No, you're not."  I put my hand on his chest to stop him. His hard abs that I could feel beneath his black shirt made my body tingle. He grabs my hand. "I am." He turns my body around and opens the door. "Let's go."

                Alright! I'm sorry if it was short and boring. I went Ice-Skating and now I'm tired as hell. So  Quick Questions and Comment Time! 

Do you think Nia still wants Aiden? Do you think he still wants her? 

Do you think Kain actually wants Nia? Is she really possibly interested in him? 

Did you like that heated Makeout session #Kia shared?...No, I did. Lmao. 

Alright, love you guys bunches. I think I'm going to go to sleep, but if I have more time tomorrow then I'll probably force myself to write. :) Until Next Time. 

Our Weird Life (BWWM) (Sequel to OWR)Where stories live. Discover now