Chapter 2 - Arrival

Start from the beginning

"Oh come on, you must've been told you're cute before right." He fired back.
I didn't hang around to answer, I picked up my bags and hurried to the hotel.
The nerve of that guy, my heart and head pounding. I was furious.
I made my way into the hotel and my mind was so clouded I almost stormed straight by the check in desk. The desk was managed by a super sweet blonde lady who was a stark contrast to the guy from the coach. I hope everyone else is more like this woman and less like him. It took only a minute to check in, which was lucky. As the woman on the front desk handed me my room key I noticed the tanned idiot marching into the lobby, looking almost like he was barrelling directly towards me. I hurried quickly towards my room, almost walking right by it. 

I push open the bedroom door and step into my room, my little Icelandic haven for the week. It was a small but stunning room decorated in whites and light greys. I threw myself onto the bed. Although it was only a short flight I feel like I've been awake for days. It wasn't even that late, just gone 5pm. All I wanted was to sleep, my body aches and my head was still buzzing with frustration. Why had I let that idiot get under my skin so much. He was irritating but it's not like I have to see him, well not until the coach back to the airport and hopefully after a nice relaxing week in Iceland I will be ready to deal with him if I need to.

My eyes slowly started to close, I was so ready for sleep to take me. Unfortunately my body had other ideas, my stomach raged into action. I hadn't eaten since early that morning. I let out a very childish moan and was 1 step away from throwing a full on tantrum. I pulled myself up into a sitting position and had to draw every ounce of strength to stand up. I looked at myself in the full length mirror and what I saw was not a pleasant sight. I had a baggy, jumper that didn't fit at all and my jeans were somehow covered in airplane snack debris. I hadn't even had the snacks. Had Adam dropped the crumbs on me? Adam! My mind raced. This was all the motivation I needed, he could be in the hotel restaurant!

I didn't care that I was acting like an infatuated school kid. I moved over to the bathroom and started the shower that was embedded in the ceiling. As the water flowed the bathroom was flooded with that same, strong smell of sulphur. It made me gag at first. I edged my way into the shower and under the water. The water felt like silk. Warm, eggy silk. The water ran over my aching muscles, caressing my skin. I imagined sharing the shower with Adam and how erotic it would be. I could vividly see myself working up a lather of thick suds on his back, watching them run downwards towards his firm ass.
I could feel myself getting hard, growing in the mist. My hand slowly moving from my nipples and down my stomach, tracing my almost-there 6 pack. I didn't stop there. My hand found it's way to my hard dick, moving through the soft bush of trimmed pubic hair. My hand seemed to be possessed, moving back and forth as I tried to swallow my low moans.
My mind started replaying Adam's face and my heart started pounding against my rib cage. I could feel the pressure building inside. Pulsing.
Just as I was about to release, my mind fractured and Adam's face was replaced with that damn idiot. Within seconds the pure rush of ecstasy disappeared. My hand pounded the wall. What is wrong with me.

My muddied mind slowly clears and I realise I'm still just stood in the shower.
I used the complimentary shower gels and shampoos filled with all sorts of magical Icelandic ingredients. The sweet smell of the toiletries a welcome reprieve from the sulphur. I drape the towel around my shoulders and leave the bathroom. I'm stopped in my tracks. The hotel room door was wide open, I look towards my unpacked bags. They're still there. How had I not closed the door properly? This trip was meant to clear my head and all it's done so far is give me a massive headache.

As I started towards the door a shadow appeared in the door way. There he was. Adam.
His eyes transfixed on my naked body. Why did I wrap the towel around my shoulders? Why am I not moving? Why am I frozen to the spot?
"I...I...should go." He said this without moving his eyes from my body. He also didn't move his body an inch.
His eyes just moving ever so slightly taking in every piece of my flesh.

"What you doing blocking the hallway? Move!" Adam almost thrown out of the way by my now sworn enemy. His brown eyes burrowing further into my body than Adam's had dared to do. His mouth started to turn up on one corner. "Nice." He commented before grabbing the door handle and finally providing me some privacy. My whole body started trembling. They had both just seen me naked. Completely. Naked.

I slumped onto the bed, my head in my hands. I should've just stayed at home. I've flown all this way and for what? To be ogled by strangers.
My stomach roared back into action, in all the chaos I'd forgotten about the hunger growing deep within my stomach. How could I leave my room? What if they were still out there? What if I saw them in the restaurant?
Room service! Finally my brain was working.

I order a standard burger and fries which was delivered way quicker than I was expecting, it wasn't exactly fancy or a shocking departure from the food I'm used to but it satiated my hunger and my mind finally started to relax. I'm sure once I'm on that coach travelling this stunning country I won't have to see either of them again. I'll admit, the thought of not seeing Adam again made my heart sink and a lump swell in my throat. I'm sure I could get over my embarrassment if he was naked too.

Laid in bed thinking of Adam's naked body pressed against my own sent shivers down my body. The electricity flowing through my veins. I felt a twitch between my legs, the gentle pulse as I started to grow firm. I slowly pushed my shorts down and kicked them off the bed. I sat forward and slipped my T-shirt over my head. Now naked my hands restarted their journey they had begun not so long ago in the shower. I started stroking and twirling my light, pink nipples. Pinching ever so slightly. My right hand slowly making its way down my pale body. My finger tips barely grazing my flesh, it felt like every fine hair reverberated to my touch. My hand grabbed hard at the base, pulling back slightly, my skin shifted revealing my blushing tip wet with precum. Slowly I began stroking from the base to the tip. Base to tip. Over and over. My left hand started to caress my balls, pulling ever so slightly. My fingers gently flicking against the sweet spot between my balls and my tight hole. My back arched, head pressing back into the pillow. I could feel the sweat raising to the surface and beading on my forehead. My low, deep breathing became rhythmic. Again, that familiar pressure began to build. I could feel it making its way to the base of my hard dick. I could feel my balls tighten and my body quake as I release. My moan filling the almost silent void.

There I laid, in a pool of sweat. My mood lifted, my breath ragged.

I made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up. I was actually excited to once more feel the gentle kiss of the strongly scented water.
This time the shower felt much more relaxing. I felt my stresses swirl down the plug hole, strands of white . Tomorrow is a brand new day. I'm in a different country waiting to experience all Iceland can throw at me.

I stepped into my shorts and made my way back into bed, my eyes growing heavy once more. My stomach suitably full, I knew now I could sleep peacefully.

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