All I saw was red. I punced her right in the face. I attempted to hit her again but Vince grabbed me by my waist and held on tight.

"Sharon what the hell is wrong with you? What would posses you to think that what you attempted to do would be okay?

"Zara I didn't want you hurt. I didn't know that would happen. I love Vincent and I wanted to be with him. Can't you see things from my point of view?"

"I tried my best to see things form your point of view, but your point of view is stupid. Did you really think that stupid plan would work. That I would just not love Vince anymore and go to Michael. Are you really that much of an idiot?


"I guess so. Vince please let me go please, I just want to hit her one more time and that's it I promise."

"No bella you can't in the mood you're in now you won't stop. Im going to call detective walker, he can come here we don't need to chance her leaving and Michael getting to her. Right now she's our only witness.

Sharon was sitting on the sofa with tissues to her bloody nose waiting for the police to get here. Vincent held on to me the entire time, because he knew that if I got loose I would jump on her again.

"Zara I know I shouldn't have gotten involved but you didn't have to hit me. It's not my fault that you were hurt."

"Are you dilusional? What did you expect. I have a Pyscho on my ass and I could have been killed and you had a hand in it. So you tell me what the hell did you expect me to do?

When detective Walker got there we filled him in on everything Sharon told us. She started crying and saying it wasn't her fault and that she was a victim herself.

"Ma'am you knew what Michael was up to and you went along with it for your own selfish gain. You are what we call and accessory, besides between Ms. Collins here and Michael I think the safest place for you would be in lockup." Detective Walker read Sharon her rights and left the building.

The rest of the day ran together. I called my parents and informed them of what was going on. I was on edge and felt like this would never be over. I left work around 4:30 and went home to get ready for the evening. I had barely been staying home since my attack but choosing to stay with either Vince or Tasha. Even with my alarm system now installed some nights I was just to scared to stay there alone. When I got home I took a quick shower and picked out something to wear. After I got dressed I texted Vincent that I was on my way. While I was driving my car suddenly started wobbling. I saw my tire pressure light up on my dashboard. I pulled over to check my tire and saw the back tire had a slash in it. I called triple A and put on my caution lights. I called Vincent to let him know what happened but I didnt get a answer.

I saw a car approaching slowly then pull over in front of me. When the driver's door opened Michael got out. I called the cops and made sure the doors were locked. They of course told me to wait inside the car and they were going to dispatch a unit. The operator said that she would stay on the phone until the unit arrived. Michael had a crowbar that I didn't see when he got out of the car and hit the driver's side window shattering the glass. I was climbing out the other side when he snatched open the door and grabbed my arm and stuck me with something. I wasn't actually sure that he stuck me until I felt my legs getting heavy and I saw the pavement coming toward me.

I woke up in a daze. My head was swimming and I was handcuffed to a bed post, and my dress was torn."

"Good to see that you are awake. You were out longer than I expected."

"What did you do to me?"

"Don't worry darling, I didn't touch you yet, I wanted you to be wide awake."

He walked over to me and leaned over to kiss me. "Don't even think about it." I said turning my head to the side.

He grabbed my chin and turned my head so that I was looking at him. "Don't you ever turn away from me again. I do what I like and I say what I like. Do you understand?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"I told you I could get to you anywhere.

"What do you want from me?"

"You, just you but you couldn't see that. You let Vincent come in between us. Now I have to kill him and then there will be no one in our way."

"Why are you going to kill Vincent?"

"Because you love him and he's standing in our way and he don't love you the way I do."

Oh god, oh god, oh god. I had to think fast. I couldn't let him hurt Vincent. "But you don't have kill him. I didn't know that you loved me. Y-you never told me. You should have told me that before instead of sending someone to hurt me."

"It wasn't my intent for you to get hurt darling." he said running his hand along the side of my face. His touch made my skin crawl and I wanted to turn away but I had to play this one out. "Well you see, you don't have to kill Vincent, now that I know how you really feel about me we can just go away together."

"Are you for real?"

"I'll go to him and I'll tell him. I'll tell him that what we had is over and that I choose you and he can live knowing that we are together. He will be miserable because you have what he wants."

"I'll go with you. We can tell him together."

"That wont work Michael. If he sees us together he'll think that you are forcing me and who knows what will happen.

"I don't know."

"It'll work trust me then I'll come right back to you and we can leave together. What do you say Michael?"

"I'll take you there myself. I'll give you twenty minutes. If you're not back down in that time i"ll find Vincent and kill him and then i'll kill you nice and slow." He took off the handcuffs and walked me outside. I was at an abandoned warehouse on jackson street downtown. He drove me to Vincent's place and turned the corner. 

"Remember what I told you. Your twenty minutes start now."

I knew it was highly unlikely that Vincent would be there. He was probably out looking for me. When I got inside the building I stopped to talk to Bill as always.

"Ms. Collins, where have you been? Mr. Covelli is awfully worried about you."

"Bill listen I don't have that much time, it's a guy outside in a black mercedes. He's going to be coming in here in about fifteen minutes. He's very dangerous don't argue with him let him go straight to Vincent's apartment. I need you to give me your car keys, im going out the back wait a few minutes then call the police. Okay?"

"Okay, Ms. Collins. You be careful."

I drove to the police station as fast as I could without hurting anyone. When I got there I saw my parents and ran to them."

"Zara what happened to you, where were you?

"It was Michael. He took me?

"How did you get away?" I heard Vincent asked.

"I got him to take me to your place, I told him that I would leave with him if he let me tell you in person. He told me that if I ran he would kill the both of us."

"No he wont. Everything will be over soon dolcezza."

"I hope so, I really do. I can't take much more of this."


Here's the end of another chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote. I feel there is only a few more chapters in this story. Thanks for sticking with me this far. This story is not edited, I will edited it when its complete. I enjoy reading fellow wattpad users stories. If you have a new story or an old one let me know and I'll read it, vote and comment.

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