Chapter 14

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I just wanted to thank all my readers. So thank you for your reads, votes and comments. This has helped my story become number 96 in the romance category. Because of you guys continued support and love for my first story it has inspired me to write another story. It's in the beginning stages and I will start to upload when "My New Boss" is completed.


I have been out of the hospital for two and a half weeks. My wounds were healing nicely but my doctor still hasn't cleared me to go back to work. I mean it's not like I will be doing any heavy lifting, but whatever. I've been staying with my parents and I must admit for the first few days it felt good being home, but now I'm restles and I just want to go.

"Vince I was thinking about coming in to work today for a few hours. Just being home is driving me crazy."

"No you won't you haven't been cleared to come back. "

"I know but I can't take it, I love my parents dearly but they won't let me do anything, I feel like I'm being held hostage."

His deep laugh caused an involuntary shiver to run up my spine. "It's not funny, what if I were to hold you hostage?"

"I think I'll enjoy that."

"I bet you would. I haven't see you in two days."

"It sounds like you miss me."

"Um maybe a little."

"Just a little, I dont know if I will be able to make it then."

"Okay I miss you a lot, but then it could just be the pills talking." I said laughing.

"I have a meeting across town this morning so I'll be over in the afternoon."

After hanging up with Vincent I finished getting dressed. I was going into work anyway and since he wasn't going to be there what he didn't know wouldn't hurt me. When I arrived at work I went directly to my office and and checked my emails and voice mails which took me the better part of an hour.

I was walking into Vincent's office when my cellphone rang, seeing that it was Tasha I answered it.

"Hey Z, where are you?"

"At work. Don't give me a lecture I was just tired of being cooped up. Momma and daddy are at the restaurant so I came to work."

"Well I don't blame you just take it easy and I'll see you later."

"I will." I walked into Vincent's office looking for a specific report. I was looking through a file and humming when I heard the door open.

"What are you doing here?"

"Who me?"

"Do you see anyone else here?"

"You see what had happened was.."

"Save it." He sat on his desk and and pulled me between his legs. "You know you are not supposed to be here right?" He asked and then kissed my nose.

"Yeah I know and technically neither are you. What happened to your hand?" I asked grabbing his right hand to look at his bruised knuckles.

"I hit a wall. So why are you here then? He asked before kissing my jaw.

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