Chapter 4

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It's been two weeks since Vince kissed me. I still haven't told anyone because I don't know what to make of it myself. I was heading over to my parents house, my mom wanted me to call her but I decided to drop by on my lunch break.

"Hey momma, what's up."

"Hey little girl, I thought you were going to call me." She said giving me a hug.

"Yea, I was but I wanted to see you lady. What's going on?"

"Do you remember Patricia Jones from down the street?

"Yea, what about her?"

"Well she's been telling me for the past couple of weeks that her nephew was coming into town, and she's been after me to get you to hang out with him during his stay. I know how you feel about him, so I kept coming up with excuses why you couldn't. She was planning on asking you herself the next time she saw you, which is why I wanted you to call first to warn you."

"Oh no, uh uh, I'm not about to entertain that fool. He gets on my last.."

Ding dong

"That's probably her now, get the door."

"Maybe if we don't answer she'll go away."

"Honey I'm sure she sees your truck."

"Yea that's probably why she bought her ol' tired behind over here."

"Oh Zara that is you" she said once I opened the door. " I thought I recognized your car. I haven't seen you in a while. You know you've grown into such a beautiful young lady."

Oh boy hear we go I thought to myself. "Thanks Mrs. Jones, what can I help you with."

" Do you remember my nephew Damon, well he's going to be in town for a couple of weeks on business and I wanted to know if you could show him around."

"Mrs. Jones he knows this town just as well as I do."

"You know what I mean dear"

"Normally I wouldn't mind, but I've been tied up with so much work I don't think I'll have the time."

"Well maybe he can come to your place and the two of you can hang out."

Jeez this lady is pushy. " Look Mrs. Jones, I'm going to have a few friends over for dinner tomorrow, maybe he can stop by for just a little while."

"Oh that would be just great."

"You can get the address from my mother, I really have to get going."

"Dang!" Now I actually had to plan something for tomorrow. I felt bad lying to the lady but I was just trying to get away without committing to anything. I was just planning on relaxing at home.

When I got back to work I called Tasha and Lisa to force them to come over.

"What's with the long face Zara?" Vince said walking into my office.

"I sort of got roped into spending time with someone this weekend that I can't stand. So now I'm inviting a couple people over for dinner. You wouldn't want to come would you? You'll be doing me a big favor. This guy is really annoying."

"Sure. What time do you want me?"

"Um 5:00. Thanks I owe you one."

"Don't worry dolcezza, I'll make sure to collect."

I don't know why but the way he said that sent a shiver down my back.


Ding dong

I went to answer the door. I figured it would be Vincent since the girls, Nick and Adam were already here. I opened the door to see Damon standing there.

"Zara what's going on, long time no see. You look good."

"Thanks Damon. Let me introduce you to everybody. These are my friends Lisa, Adam and Nick and I'm sure you remember Tasha."

"Hey everybody, how you doing Tasha?"

"Good damon what about you, are you still at the same law firm in D.C.?"

"Yea, I'm still there, about to be running things you know. I'm making top dollar. So Zara, I'm sure my aunt told you I'll be in town a couple of weeks. You know I'm not seeing anybody right know. Why don't the two of us get together?

"Yea your aunt mentioned it. Make yourselves comfortable I have to go check on dinner."I said going into the kitchen and ignoring his question.

"He's baaaccckkkk, and he's still trying to get you." Tasha said following me into the kitchen.

" I know. I am no trying to hang out with this dude. I know he knows I don't like him. He irritates the hell out of me. I don't know if I can make it through this night without punching him in the throat. I swear he --"

"What's up with you always wanting to hit someone in the throat? I recall you wanting to do the same thing to me." Vincent said standing in the door way looking sexy as hell. I almost lost my train of thought staring at him. He had on dark blue jeans, a tan t-shirt and a pair of brown minnetonkas.

" Well you pissed me off, and he always pisses me off."

" I bought a few bottles of wine, I'll put them in the fridge."

"Good I may need them before the night is over."

Dinner went surprisingly well and I was enjoying the conversation, until Damon opened his mouth.

" So Zara, you never answered my questioned earlier. Why don't we get together before I leave?"

"Yea um, that won't be possible. Like I told your aunt I swamped at work with a huge project."

" You don't think you can get a little time off."

" No sorry this project is really important. Well who's up for dessert?" I said grabbing dishes and walking into the kitchen.

"Damn girl, if I didn't know any better I would swear that you are trying to avoid me."

" Look Damon, your a nice guy and all" I lied " but I'm not interested in anything happening between you and me, I told you this before."

" Girl stop fronting, you know you want me."

"Firstly, get up out of my personal space. Secondly I don't want you, never have never will. Now if you can act right you're welcome to stay if not you can raise the hell up out of here."

"Girl you need to watch your mouth--"

"Is everything alright in here? Vince asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yea actually Damon was just leaving."

"Uh yea, it was good seeing you Zara, nice to meet you Vincent"

"Yea. You okay?"

"Yup, I said popping the p. That fool just gets on my nerves. Did you need something?

"Yea, I came to collect, you owe me remember" he said walking towards me and pinning me against the sink.

"I meant free overtime or picking up dry cleaning."

"No I pick what I want, and what I want is to taste you" he said as he slowly ran a hand up my thigh. His tongue traced small circles on the column of my throat. Between his tongue and his hands he was sending my body into a frenzy. When his lips touched mine my eyes fluttered closed. I moaned into his mouth and he deepened the kiss. I had to pull away for the sake of air and he rested his forehead against mine.

"Vince we can't do this" I said sounding like a broken record.

"Stop fighting it Zara, I know you want me, even if your not ready to admit it your body does."


I tried to make this chapter a little longer. I'm going to try to update as often as my schedule allows me. I see that I'm getting readers so just comment and let me know what you think.

© 2014 Mahogany Rain All rights reserved

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