Chapter 16

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"Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me. Why won't you start?" I popped the hood on my car and got out to see what was wrong with my car. I used my amateur skills to try and figure out what was wrong, but couldn't see the problem. I tried calling a tow truck but my phone didn't have a signal.

"Ain't this some bull." I walked to the elevator so I could go to the parking lot attendant to get some help. The elevator seemed like it was taking forever. When the elevator opened I saw Michael standing there with a gun. I froze, I couldn't move my feet. Well this is how it's going to end. I closed my eyes when he pulled the trigger and a loud shot went off in my ears.

I woke up clutching my chest. I quietly got out of bed and went to the living room. I went out on the balcony to get some fresh air. It's crazy that I was standing out here knowing how afraid of heights I am but after dealing with Michael my fear of heights is the last thing on my mind. I was sweaty and shivering even though I wasn't cold.

"This is so unreal!" I screamed I felt my eyes prickle with tears and I balled my hands into my fist. I'm not going to cry I said over and over to myself.


I turned around to Vincent leaning against the door frame, with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Did I wake you?"

He pulled me into his chest. Damn was it possible to smell this good at three in the morning.

"No, what's wrong sweets?"

"Nothing" I mumbled into his chest.

He tilted my chin so he could look in my eyes.

"Sweets come on talk to me."

"It's nothing."

"Why are you shutting me out?"

"I'm not, it's just, I don't know what to do. I feel like I only have two options, either lock myself in or pretend nothing happened and I don't want to do the first and I can't do the second. Everytime I close my eyes I see his face, and I have nightmares. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night. I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt him wiping my tears away and the tears kept coming. I was shaking uncontrollably. I guess I was finally having a breakdown. Vincent picked me up and carried me inside to the living room. He sat on the sofa and held me and I cried in his chest.


I was getting ready to head out for breakfast with Vince when my cellphone started to ring. I prayed it wasn't Michael. I answered it when I saw that it was my mother calling.

"Hey ma what's going on?"

"Hey baby, your father and I just wanted to see how you were doing?"

"Everything is peachy about to." I said trying to sound chipper although my mother probably knew I was lying, she always knew.

"Uh huh. So how are you sleeping?" She asked in the way when she already knew the answer but she wanted to see what I would say.


"Zara, now you know that I know—"

"Alright ma, I've had a few nightmares but nothing I can't handle."

"Uh huh. Listen your father and I have been talking and we think that maybe you should talk to someone. I know a great therapist-"

"Sorry ma but it's not going to happen. I don't need a therapist I'm not crazy, Michael is the crazy one, let him get his head examined."

"Zara you know seeing a therapist doesn't mean your crazy."

"I know ma, but I'm not going. I don't need a stranger in my business."

"Calvin here take the phone maybe you can talk to her. She gets her stubbornness from you anyway."

I braced myself for when my father got on the phone. He could get me to do just about anything.

"Zara you have been through something these past few months, and your mother and I are not sure how to really help you. Dr. Sonnett is a friend of your mothers and she is willing to see you tomorrow at 9:30. Just go and see how you feel about it afterwards."

"But daddy-"

"No buts, you haven't been yourself lately which is understandable and you need to work through this.

After sitting in silence for what seem like hours, but was only a couple of minutes I gave in. "Okay daddy. One visit but that's it."

"That's my girl. Your mother and I love you and we just want you to be alright."

"I know I love you guys too."

"I thought part of being an adult meant that you didn't have to listen to your parents anymore." I said once I hung up.

Vince walked out the bathroom fresh from the shower with a towel around his waist. "I"ll be ready in a minute."

This man had me salivating like some teenager. How about we skip breakfast and do lunch instead, a really late lunch.


I know the chapter is kind of short but I wanted to post something for guys by the start of this week.

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