Chapter 2

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I hate this alarm. Thank goodness it's friday. After taking my shower I grabbed some orange juice and bagel and put on the news. I have to watch the news before I leave for work. Finally deciding to get dressed I put on a black high waist pencil skirt, my white blouse with ruffles at the chest and my black Christian Louboutins. Im not one of those high maintenance girls but I love my red bottoms and I saved for the few pair I have. I put my hair into a high bun, grabbed my keys and bag and headed out to my car. I drive a 2015 dark cherry honda pilot.

When I got to work Vincent was already in a meeting with some department heads. The day went by rather quickly and I was grateful for that. Around 1:30 I was headed out to lunch when Sharon Mills stopped by my office. Oh great what does Ms. I cant get my work done want, I thought to myself.

"Yea Sharon what can I help you with"? I asked her walking towards the elevator.

"I wanted to see if you want to have lunch together, you know so we could catch up."

"We have never hung out so there's nothing to catch up on. What do you really want?"

"Well since you asked, how is the new boss, I caught a glimpse of him he's so cute, what do you know about his situation? Is he single?

Since when has wether a man is single or not ever stopped you I thought to myself. Sharon would sleep with a guy if he had the right amount of coin in his pocket. "He's coming this way why dont you ask him yourself?"

As soon as he was in spitting distance she stepped right in front of him to introduce herself.

"Hi you must be Vincent. Im Sharon Mills, I work in accounting. If there is ever anything I can do for you please dont hesitate to let me know."

Could she be any more obvious I thought.

"Okay, thanks Ms. Mills. Zara are you headed out for lunch? he asked totally dismissing Sharon.

"Yea, why did you need something?

"Actually I wanted to join you, there some things I wanted to discuss with you but i've been in meetings all morning and didn't have the time.

"Okay, have you ever been to Mahogany's?"

"Yea I've been there a few times, they have great food."


When we pulled up to the restaurant I handed my keys to the valet and went inside.

"Ah Ms. Zara, I haven't seen you in a while. Shall I get your usual table?"

"Hey carl, that would be great, so how have you been?"

"Doing just fine"

"By the way this is my boss Mr. Covelli, Vincent this is Carl.'

They exchanged greetings while we were shown to our table.

"It's good to see you again Zara and nice to meet you too Mr. Covelli, your waiter should be here shortly.

"So usual table huh?

"I know the owners"

"Good afternoon, my name is Robert and I"ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"I'll have a sweet tea"

"And for you sir"

"I'll take a coke"

"Okay, i'll give you time to look over you menus and i'll be back with your drinks."

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

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