With the growth of the man into a considerably large wolf, the brothers, who had just managed to secure him in their arms, were losing grip. The body was to big to just encase in their hold and they were now resorting to pulling fur in an attempt to bring him to the ground, to hid him behind the bush. That measly growth of green and brown and black that now apeared much smaller then it once did.

He possesed a beautiful coat. Gray fur that carries with it a light blue tint. It saddles his back, begining by masking his nussle and eyes, carrying itself up and over his ears before riding the decline of his neck all the way to the ends of his tale. Par from a sock of this gentle pastel that sat upon his front paw, the remainder of his body was met mostly with clean white, his stomach and legs covered in a coating of dirt.

His eyes were lost to the abyss of black that called him to action. His preditorial gaze sparing none from the chills that it sent grating down their spines, tearing away their resolve instantly. Forcing them into submission before even a calling of understanding regersted within them. Before they even understood the beautiful, ravishing, natural, maenadic danger they faced.

The tint of his eyes, the control they held over others, would have forced any person around to bear their necks and kneel in submission, hopping that their lives would be spared. But none caught sight of such splender. None were round to see. That was, par from the horrified brothers who were working hard to contain the beast dead set on revolt, on freedom, on rushing past the thin line of defence and whisking you of to some place he deamed safe. And they were not intimidated by him, they were petrified of what he was about to do. They did not bear their necks in submission but pulled harder at his fur, at his limbs, trying to bring him down. They would not cave but knew he was not going to either, not by force.

"Shhhh, shhhh. It's ok," Jin spoke, trying to tame the spooked and wild nature, just as a rider would their horse frightened by a snake. But V was no horse, and he was not frightened of snakes.

Seeing the null effect of his brothers words, J-hope, whose eyes betrayed him, his own wolf seeping through the flood gates of panic, attempts his own reason, "just stop and listen ok? If not to us," he glanced at Jin, the pure, exotic green of two gems meeting him in return, "then to (y/n). Your mate". He pauses seeing the wolf holt, ears twitching as he really focuses on the melodic tune of your words. They all begin to listen, focusing only on you, "see. I told you," Hobi remarks absent mindedly.

They hear the lighthearted chorous of conversation that you share. Your friend complements them and they feel a tad giddy, but then you tell her you had fun. That you had fun at their concert and they felt proud.

And then you complement them on their voices. And then on their looks. Beautiful. You called them beautiful. The brothers who reside still mainly in their human form blush as they hear this, only just managing to react in time to stop V from whining and wimpering in delight. Instead he releases a choking sound when the hand of Jin shoots up in attempt to muffle his mouth, to shut the jaws closed, and misses, instead puncing his neck. He quickly pulls his hand away and places both up in apology to his makene, trully sorry for his unintended violence. The wolf just glares and rases his lip slightly, showing a row of teeth, before turning his deep eyes away to train on you. He rises slightly to gain a better view, allowed to do so as Jin recoils from the shock of unwillingly throwing punches. Then the man quickly joins J-hope in pulling at the fur, but not before they are spotted. Eaaakkkk runs through their minds as they muster strength from their wolves, enough to bring down V with their combined force, even if they were in their human forms and he had transformed.

They lay atop him, holding him down with their weight as through the gaps in the bush they see your friend rise. She stands protectivly, and the two sane men are somewhat glad you have such a loyal companion. But V was not, and it just stirred a possesive stream within him. He was rilled, and if he could, he would be off fighting her. It also unnerved your other mates, because though they were glad that you seemed safe with this person, she held an unforgiving, barbaric aura that encircled her like a viscous snake, ready at any moment to snap and swallow it's prey.

She turned around quickly as you mention them to her. Well V specifically. You tell her you had seen him but she doesn't believe you. 'Thank heavens' the two think as they pause to breath. Soon the music, their music, increases in volume. And though they are all, including V, glad to hear you listen, they are focused elsewhere.

The two drag V away, a missive wolf shaped indent leaving tracks in the ground as they move. He doesn't strongly resist like before, but he isn't complying either. Instead he just sits and lets himself be dragged.

They reach their original hiding place, and now all sit as wolves, thinking that they would be in a better position to take each other down this way. The picnic continues and they listen closely to the sounds of nature, making sure their were no irregularities or threats to you.

Soon you pack up and they stand, ready to follow or return to their car, like loyal dogs who now follow their master. A master who once feed them and is now unkowingly stuck with them for life. Cause you didn't know did you? You didn't know that these wolves were there lurking in the forest trying to protect you. Sure you knew they were there, you could see them. But you could only feel as to why. No proof. Nothing. Just a feeling in your gut. A feeling that these distant shadows, these mystic creatures, were bound to you in some way, for good or for bad. They were yours and you were theirs, and that is how it would be till the end of time.


I love chocolate 🍫🍫🍫🍫
I have already eaten most of my easter chocolate already 😣😥😢😢

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