russia gets yoinked, the remake

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1574 words


This took a while to write and proofread. I wanted to get Grammarly premium before publishing this, but I'm not going to have this computer for much longer so that doesn't make any sense. Sorry for not writing that much. Hopefully, this remake is good enough oof.

Russia tucked his knees to his chest and tried to squeeze closer to his siblings. Not all of his siblings were there. It was just him, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine. To Russia's knowledge, the rest of his siblings were still in the military.

"Why are we hiding?" Belarus whispered, tugging on Russia's sleeve.

"Because dad told us to," Russia said back. His younger siblings had been asking nonstop why they had to abandon their home and hide in a shady old apartment in East Germany.

"He told us that three weeks ago. He's probably forgotten about us," Ukraine whispered bitterly. Russia scoffed. He never understood her hate for their father.

"He wouldn't forget about us," Russia said. He wouldn't forget about me.

"He's dead then." Russia whipped his head around to look at Ukraine. She was pressed up against the off-white wall by Kazakhstan's and Kyrgyzstan's backs. He almost yelled at her but stopped himself when Kyrgystan glared at him.

"He's never going to die!" Belarus wailed and burst out into tears. Russia looked at his younger sister, shocked at why she was crying. It was good their father wasn't dead. He didn't want to be like the orphans on the streets. USSR provided them with safety, Russia wanted him to live forever.

"Shut up," Kyrgyzstan slapped the back of Belarus's head, which resulted in her crying louder. "Listen." Russia tried to make out a sound other than crying. After Kazakhstan quickly calmed Belarus down, Russia could make out footsteps. From the sound of them, multiple people were walking towards the room they were in. Russia reached above him and pulled down the ratty tablecloth. It smelled like dead bodies, but it was thick enough to hide all five of the children.

Russia heard someone talking loudly in a foreign language. They seemed happy. The only words he caught were 'communist' and his father's name.

"What're they saying?" Russia whispered to Kyrgyzstan. His older brother had very good English, unlike Russia.

"I'm busy. You don't want to know," Kyrgyzstan said, trying to open a small door in the wall as quietly as possible. That's why their father told them to stay in that room, just in case they had to leave secretly. Russia felt a bit happier after he reminded himself of that fact.

Russia tried to understand what the person was saying, which wasn't working well. Two other voices occasionally joined in, one a soft female voice, the other very similar to the first woman but deeper. He heard more words, which helped him. The soft female was 'France'. Russia had heard about her. Soviet described her as kind, pretty, and stupid. She seemed nice.

"Can you tell me what they're saying now?" Russia asked Kyrgystan. He'd already asked him a few times, so his brother was quite annoyed. Kyrgystan turned and glared at Russia. He nearly had the door open.

"Promise not to get mad?" Russia nodded. Kyrgystan sighed. "They're saying dad's dead."

Russia gasped. Loudly. He felt his siblings panicking around him. He felt like panicking too. He didn't know how to live without his father. His entire life was built off his father's actions. Who would he model himself off of? Who would take care of him? His siblings? Who-

Arms wrapped around Russia and picked him up. He looked up at whoever was holding him. He couldn't make anything out through his tears. When did he start crying? Russia could hear his siblings cursing him out, the rumble of a car, more foreign talking-

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