An Angel and her Accomplice

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Proofreading is for losers lol. More notes at the end of the chapter. Also, this is Germany x Poland. I don't say any names so ima just say that before we start.

Learning about humans is so dull. Their pointless wars, pointless arguments, pointless relations, pointless everything; all pointless. All insignificant. I'm supposed to be grateful I'm here. But it's difficult when nothing has been clean. All unclean, and unworthy.

I sigh, staring lazily at the scrolls I brought down with me. I'm supposed to work as a translator for god. A preacher, spreading god's word with literature. As grateful as I am, I'm an angel. A holy being of light and justice, not some lowly librarian. I highly doubt half the creatures in this miserable plain can read.

I stretch, spreading my arms and wings out. I'd been writing for an hour and daydreaming for the rest. The sunset casts an orange glow on the library; specifically the floor I was on. While the cycle of day and night annoys me, I can appreciate the beauty of a pink-and-gold sunset. Especially the warmth. The library should close soon, which means I have to go. I carefully re-wrap my scrolls and close my textbooks. I put the books back in my bag with the same delicacy. Even with how careful I am, I still manage to knock a book off the table. I wince and expect the reverberated thud of an ornate textbook, yet I hear nothing. I open my eyes and am met with a strange sight.

Thin hands offer me my textbook. These hands belong to a girl. She's of this world, not like me. But there's something different about her, an energy I haven't gotten from the others of this plane. Not a magical energy of pseudo spellcasters, or a cursed child.

It was an energy of innocence. The angelic kind.

Like flies to honey, I felt attracted to this girl. The too-kind smile, dull red eyes burdened by the sins of this world, everything about her screams of purity. Superiority over the dregs of society. I should be focusing my energy on her, not on the unworthy beings of this earth.

"Um, miss! You dropped this," She moves the book closer to me. Her cheeks are heating up, unused to this type of attention. She deserves so much more than this world.

"Thank you," I say, barely composing myself. I feel a type of holy lust for her. She needs to be taken away from the rest of them, but how? I take the book out of her perfect hands. I have limited time on this earth. He'll get suspicious if I take too long with the 'translations'. She stands up properly, smiling at me once more. I can't let her get away.

I quickly stand up, almost knocking my chair to the floor. "Really, thank you. These books are fragile, if you weren't there it'd be ruined."

"Aw, it's nothing," She blushes again.

"Please, let me repay you," I say, walking to her slide. "Can I walk you home?"

She giggles. Oh my god. "I think I'm good. Maybe later." I restrain myself from deflating.

"That's alright. I hope to see you around," I shyly look up at her. She smiles once more and intertwines our hands. Her golden hand looks perfect next to my alabaster one. The various rings on her fingers feel cold against my own. Such a beautiful creature. A true rival to the angels.

She lets go and walks down the stairs. I hold my hand, the hand she touched, to my chest. I think I found my angelic purpose.

Just wrote this real quick. I haven't written in a while, so I hope it's decent! I might write some more if I feel like it. About to make a comeback lol. I was gonna draw them but I'm tired.

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