valentines day

416 8 0

"Fuck you," Russia said, glaring at the picture of yet another couple doing cute couple shit. He's right. Fuck them.

"Who're you talking to, Russia?" Germany asked from the other room. Their settings couldn't be more different from each other. While the kitchen light illuminated Germany and the paper he was working on, Russia was shrouded in darkness- except for the bright phone screen.

"Nobody," Russia grumbled, still scowling at the picture. Germany sighed and moved to Russia's spot, nearly tripping on the jacket that was haphazardly laid across the floor. Germany grabbed Russia's phone and sat down on the couch.

"Why're you looking at a stock photo of that depressed old guy and his wife smiling?" Germany chuckled. Russia shrieked and lunged at Germany, grabbing the phone.

"I'm lonely, ok!" Russia screamed, blushing from embarrassment. Germany giggled.

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