*sad anime noises*

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387 words.


It's bad sorry.


-Japan, I'm worried.

-Please respond.

Read at 2:30 am

Italy groaned in anger. Japan hadn't talked to anyone in a few days, she hadn't even left her house.

"Damn it," he hissed out.

-I'm going to come over.

Read at 2:32 am

Italy stood up off the couch, grabbing his coat. He walked outside, shivering from the early morning winter air. He briskly set off walking to her house. Unwanted thoughts of what happed to the girl began to flood Italy's head. The more he worried, the faster he walked. Soon enough, he was in front of Japan's house. The shutters where down and he could see a bit of light peeking out from Japan's room. Italy knocked on the door.

Japan swung it open, startling the Italian. She had dark circles under her puffy red eyes.

"Japan, are you-"

"Get inside," Japan said coldly. Italy was startled by her attitude but he complied and stepped into her house. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm worried," Italy told her.

"Bullshit," she said. "You would have come sooner if-"

"I texted you so much, I thought you and America were doing another camping trip," Italy told her angrily.

She flinched, her expression changing to hurt. "M-me and America... broke u-up," she started to sobbing. Italy instantly rushed to her, pulling her into a tight hug. She tensed, but then calmed down, wrapping her arms around him crying into his chest.

"Sorry," Italy muttered into her hair.

She giggled a little. "I w-was being an asshole. Don't be."

"How-what happened?"

"He was sucking faces with Malta," She sniffled. Italy nearly jumped up in shock.

"That- oh my god," Italy said, still shocked. Japan pressed herself closer into his chest.

"Wanna get ice cream?" Italy asked.

"Hell ye."


"What do you want to get?" Italy asked. They were sitting at a local pizza parlor Japan said had the best pizza on their first official date."

"Hmmmmmm, idk," Japan said. Italy chuckled to himself. Japan always used acronyms he didn't understand, and she always got mad at him when he asked what she was saying.

"Excuse me, ma'am," a waitress with a southern accent walked up to their table. "We only have Hawaiian pizza available right now."

"That's ok, I was probably going to order that anyways," Japan said cheerily. The waitress smiled and walked away. Japan turned back to Italy to see his horror-stricken face. "What? Pineapple on pizza isn't that bad."

"Say sike right now."

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