France the lesbian

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"Ok ladies, Britain wants to date me," France looked down at the countries who used to share her flag. Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthélemy, Réunion, New Caledonia, Mayotte, and Saint Martin all looked up at her on the stage. "And I don't want that so-"

"France, I'm not pretending to be you again," Martinique groaned, making her look even shorter than she already was and squishing her curvy figure. "That was a disaster last time."

"Ohh, if I get to be you can I steal all your wine?" Saint Barthélemy waved her hand in the air, propping her tall figure on the childish figure of Mayotte.

"No, you can't take my-"

"France, with all due respect," Réunion said calmly, placing a hand on her large chest. "We all are much more attractive than you. If Britain is really the Gentleman he says he is, he'll recognize we all are more blessed in the body department than you are."

"Hey!" France yelled as Guadeloupe and New Caledonia snickered. She could clearly see the willowy countries laugh as Saint Martin imitated France yelling, making her usually straight posture falter a little before going back to her usual uptight manner.

"No, I need you all to just sit around and talk with my old flag on. Then, when Britain comes in act shocked and tell him I have been.. Un, Deux... seven people all along!" The French woman stood proudly as the other countries looked startled.

"With all due respect, that's the stupidest plan I ever heard," Réunion struggled to keep her voice calm.

"Do I look 5'6 to you?" Mayotte yelled angrily, being the short gremlin she was.

"Ok, look. It doesn't matter how tall you are. I just need Britain to stop flirting with me at meetings. Please," France pleaded. "Oh, and before you answer I'll buy you alcohol if you help."


Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Réunion, New Caledonia, Mayotte, and Saint Martin were the ones who showed up. Martinique was going on another date with Ireland, so she didn't come. All of them were wearing the same black dress and had changed their flags to France's temporarily.

"This sucks," Mayotte grumbled. Guadeloupe and New Caledonia giggled at her mumbling.

"Ok, ladies! Britain will be here any minute!" France yelled from the other room.

"Oh thank god," Réunion said, adjusting her tight collar. Everyone was anxious and felt stuffy. Except for Saint Martin, she was just anxious.

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