20) Getting A Getaway

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Within a second Ayato had his hands around my waist and shoulders and had me into his car. And he was in the driver's seat. My head did a mental 360 °.


Ayato started the engine and got out of the gates of Uncle Francis' home. My heart swelled with relief and contempt. Marriage was out of my head, until further notice.


"Do you have a place in mind to go?" I asked.


He gave a light chuckle. "No idea. You?" he asked still looking on the road.


"What? You don't know where to go? So then...?" I gave him a puzzled look.


"I thought we could go somewhere random. Let the car decide where to take us. That's what a getaway is, right? You end up somewhere far?" he explained.


"But, what if we end up somewhere even more dangerous than here?" I asked. "And what about if we aren't prepared for the environment we are heading?" I asked.


Ayato stood silent for a few minutes. "I have an idea on where we are going then" he finally said. He gave me a quick look. "You look tired. Why don't you sleep until we get to the place and I'll wake you up?" he replied.


"Wha? I don't know. What if you do something funny?" I shot back.


"What am I going to do to you? Peek under your dress?" he chuckled.


"Hey! Stop getting ideas, pervert!" I snapped at him.


"Hey, you brought this topic up!" he defended.


"Because that's what I was afraid of! Your a daredevil!" I shot back.


He gave an amused sigh. "Fine, you in the back seat and sleep then. I promise I won't do something stupid while your sleeping" he promised.


"Are you serious?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on him.


"Of course" he nodded slightly.


I climb behind my seat and made myself comfortable in his back car. Surprisingly there were blankets. My head filled with disgusting ideas.


"Ayato" I muttered.


"Yea?" he asked looking at me from the rear view mirror.


"Have you ever brought a... um... girlfriend... in here before?" I asked embarrassed.


"A girlfriend? No."

I gave out a sigh of relief.

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