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(panic buying edition for home quarantine)

YOU: Okay guys, we won't be able to go out for a while... Go get what you need. Just NECESSARY NEEDS, okaaay?


RM: Oh– what sunglasses do you think I should buy? *le shows you 20 different glasses*

YOU: *busy checking bathroom supplies* Go buy whatever Namjoon. You'll break them all anyway.

RM: *le pouts* you haven't even looked at them. I'll go look for snapback and some more accessories.

YOU: Yah! Didn't I told you to only buy something necessary?!

RM: Necessary? You mean needed? *you le nods af* Okay, I'll go buy tiny crabs for entertainment.


YOU: Jin, what are you buy– YAH! WHY IS YOUR CART 3 AND ALL OF THEM ARE FULL!?

JIN: Cart one is for my snacks, cart two for a different types of big mirror because I can't stand a day without looking at my facue, and cart three for just cute stuffs I found.

YOU: Jin, you should be buying sanitary needs and stocks.

JIN: *le ignores you* OMO! What do I do? My cart is full and I still want that RJ pillow! Can I put it in your cart? *le looks at you pleadingly*


YOU: Yoongi? Do you not need anything?

SG: Of course I have needs.

YOU: Then why are you just sitting here? *le points at an unsold sofa* it says "thank you for not sitting" Yoongs.

SG: I don't give a fuck. I'm lazy.

YOU: Who's going to get what you need then?

SG: Isn't that the reason why you came here with us?


YOU: Hobi? Hey what's with all these skin care products?

JH: I need them for clearer skin!

YOU: Tsk... Hobi? *le glares when you saw the hidden cases of sprite under his cart* what's these?

JH: Uhm... Sprite?

YOU: Yeah, but why? Are they necessary!?

JH: No. But I need them in order to live!

YOU: Grab something necessary!

JH: *le grab a snankeu repellant* I hate snakue!


YOU: Jimin? Yah why are you crying?

JM: Tae and JK pranked me! They said the first one to get a box of cookies will be the winner!

YOU: Oh... What's the problem then?

JM: The box of cookies are on the top shelfs and they know I won't be able to reach it!

YOU: Ohh Diminie, don't worry about them... Just go get what you want. *le winks*

JH: Yah that's unfair! He gets what he wants but you keep nagging us about getting what we want!


YOU: Taehyung?! Oh my god! Why did you bring Yeontan? He's not allowed here?

V: It's okay, Yeontan is allowed now.

YOU: Huh? How?

V: I bought the whole store.

YOU: What? Why?

V: So that Yeontan is allowed, no need to go here and fall in line to pay for whatever you want to get, and so that Yoongi hyung doesn't need to dress up just to sit on an unsold sofa.


YOU: Jungkook? *le checks his cart* You don't need more games and snacks nor a cart of banana milk.

JK: *looks at you judgingly* You don't know anything about me.

YOU: Your room at home is already filled with snacks and boxes of banana milk! Your room is a whole game room! Why do you need more!?

JK: I told you you don't know me! I can eat 7 fried chicken in one meal total of 21 in a day! A cart of banana milk isn't enough for just a month.

YOU: Jungkook–tsk, just grab something reALLY neCESSARY!

JK: *le pouts* Fine! *le grabs a Downy Adorable fabric conditioner*


So far, i had fun writing this🤣🤣🤣
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