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RM: Excuse me, I'd like to buy sozzled porcus with tomatle and vegetābilia as a side dish and ruddy zyme.

YOU: Uhm, excuse me, sir, but what is that?

RM Oh, sorry, I meant Sanggyeopsal and red juice.

YOU: Okay, we also have this promo, it's called eat CRABS all YOU CAN! Would you like to avai–

RM: OH MY GOD, you guys kill crabs? You shouldn't be doing those, don't you know how sensitive they can be? Those crabs must be parents to billion of tiny crabs and you don't even realise how hard it is to grow up without a parent!


YOU: Hey, sir. What's your order?

JIN: Uh... It's not much. Just; one grilled steak, three pork barbecue, whole buttered chicken, two plater of beacon, one box of pepperoni pizza that's P-I-Z-Z-A, PIZZA! and three paleters of P-A-S-T-A, PASTA!

YOU: Uhh... Is that all?

JIN: No, actually I'd like to add deserts a drinks; four cups of chocolate gelato, one slice of blueberry cheese cake and one piece strawberry pancake–but don't put strawberry, I eat strawberries but I don't like its flavour on different food. As for the drinks... Lemme think.


YOU: May I get your oder, sir?

SUGA: I oder you to go get me a bed and a pillow.

YOU: Uhm, but we only serve food and drinks.

SUGA: Oh really? Then get me all kinds of liquor here and a cake!

YOU: Is that all, si–

SUGA: The cake must have a Kumamon design!


YOU: May I take your order, sir?

J-HOPE: I want burger and spaghetti.

YOU: Anything else, sir?

J-HOPE: Also chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side.

YOU: What specific soda, sir?

J-HOPE: I want Sprite, but keep that a secret, I'm a Coca-Cola advertiser.


YOU: Would you like anything?


YOU: What would you like to eat, sir?

JIMIN: You. *wink wonk*

YOU: Uhm... *blushes* we only serve fo-foods...

JIMIN: Oh, then please find me jams.


V: Uhm excuse me, do you sell Panda Express meals, here?

YOU: Sorry, sir but this is Bunny Express.

V: Awee too bad... Anyway how many stocks of burgers do you have there?

YOU: I'll be back. *le counts stocks* Sir there's 234 pieces of burgers.

V: Okay, I'll have one.


YOU: What would you like to have, sir?

JK: Banana milk.

YOU: Is that all?

JK: Uhh... Cereal?

YOU: Sir, it's 6pm, we don't sell breakfast anymore.

JK: *le pouts* But I want cereal...

YOU: Fine, don't cry. I'll get you one.

JK: Who says I want just one? I want dozen!

Y'all I think YOU is so stressed of Bangtan already.😂😂😂

BTS Randomness Book IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant