Chapter Six

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Yuzuki's Pov
My eyes moved back and forth to follow his movements. At least he was back home and not alone in a dark hospital room. At least he was resting in bed with me. Neji was a difficult guy that's for sure. But I don't think anyone could take my heart like he did.

Even when he was whining and complaining like a little kid he was adorable. His whining ranging from him being hungry, to his injuries. I started to giggle but quickly hid it when he shifted his curious gaze to me, placing his book he was reading to the side of the bed.

"So am I doing something that amused you love?" I snorted but hid it again clearing my throat. "Just the fact that you keep pouting, as long as you are healing I don't mind you pouting." I couldn't help it and I started laughing covering my mouth.

I hadn't laughed like that in ages. Neji was staring at me in shocked before he breathed out a quiet chuckle. I yelped in shyness when he yanked me to sit on his lap and he held me close.

"You laugh at my pain, not that's not very nice is it my beautiful future wife." I stared at him in complete shyness slowly wrapping my arms to stay in place around his neck, gazing at him even more.

"I find it very amusing." I smiled and let a small squeak out when he leaned in pressing his lips onto my awaiting ones. I melted into the kiss just like the one we shared a nights ago, it was almost just the same. Things were really gonna be changing in the village from now on.

I smiled on his lips when I felt him doing the same thing cupping my face. We quickly pulled away. And I rested my forehead on his own. Gazing into his eyes that truly could read all and see all. All this time he has been seeing through me hasn't he. And I didn't even know it.

It was gonna take some time to get use to the third Hokage now being gone, and laid to rest. A village without a leader was always a storm for bad things to follow. While Neji was recovering, everyone really was actually, some taking more time then others. Lee was still in the hospital and would be for some time to come.

I started to get to know to know more teams and make friends. Naruto was far my favorite he just didn't have a filter. I sat at the barbeque place with Shikamaru, Choji and Ino because I had nothing better to do then have work today.

"Hey Yuzuki you are in an arranged marriage with Neji right?" Ino asked me with a cute grin stretched across her face, I studied her as much as I could. I coughed quietly through my drink and nodded my head shyly.

"Yeah I am." I answered tucking away the strands of my short hair smiling between everyone. Looking between them all. "It sounds romantic." She gushed out looking at me with a pout and a great smile as well. Shikamaru shot her a straight look of crazy while he leaned on his fist.

"Woman you are truly crazy, how is an arranged marriage romantic? You are forced to marry someone you don't know." He pointed out a lazy look across his eyes and facial features. Choji was just eating in his own world something I wish I could.

"It is romantic Shikamaru you just aren't seeing it in that way, Neji and Yuzuki didn't know one another now look at them they are in love have you seen them! The way he holds her hand or gives her love I want it so badly. Sasuke-kun." She started whining banging her head on the table, letting out the loudest whines, and puffs of breathing I breathed out a shy laugh shaking my head.

"Okay point taken- but also remember there wedding isn't until they turn sixteen, and then they have to have children right away, what the hell kind of arrangement is that." He threw his hand up in disbelief  I chuckled quietly.

"The marriage isn't what scares me, the thought of having a baby does, but." I paused for a minute setting the water glass down, gently pulling Ino's hair away so it wouldn't get caught in the grill. That would have ended very very bad if her hair caught on fire.

"I love Neji so I'll go through what ever." I chuckled whining when Shikamaru hit my forehead after flicking it. I watched the three with a smile. Sometimes just sometimes I missed my ninja's days. Maybe I gave it up to quickly for a past that easily could have been changed.

Maybe my future will be different. I never know what it will hold really.

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