"Mingi called me," Yunho explained, "How am I supposed to tell him that I'm Seoul?"

Wooyoung groaned and snatched the phone from San.

"You dial his number and you tell him that you're in a hotel and he'll come running," Wooyoung explained, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to steal your cousin into bed."

He hung up on Yunho and tossed the phone to the side, looking at San with a smile.

"That was cruel," San spoke, his eyebrow raised.

"That's reality," Wooyoung replied, "He wants Mingi in his bed, I want you in mine. This solves both of our problems."

San smiled and stood up, lacing his arms around the dancer's neck. Wooyoung put his arms on his waist, San pecking him on the lips.

Wooyoung smiled and leaned to whisper in his ear.

"Better run to the bed," he murmured, "I'm about to see how flexible you are."

San let go of him with wide eyes for a minute before hurrying into the bedroom. Wooyoung watched him run with a smirk on his face and he glanced down at San's phone.

Yunho was texting him.

He picked up the phone and muted it before leaving it on the couch and hurrying to catch up with San.


Yunho paced back and forth in his hotel room.

He'd been in contact with Mingi this whole time he'd been away from the country but for some reason, seeing Mingi face-to-face was more terrifying than being greeted by Seonghwa and Yeosang at the airport.

He'd just gotten off the airplane from Canada, exhausted from the flight, and pulled out his phone to call an Uber when someone stopped in front of him. He looked up and wished he could run back onto the plane.

Seonghwa looked at him with a sad smile.


Yunho stepped back quickly and started to walk around and past Seonghwa when Yeosang stepped out from behind him. He stopped Yunho.

"Please, just listen to us," Yeosang pleaded quietly.

Yunho looked at both of them for a moment before nodding and walking with them to their car. They didn't want to make a fuss when there were so many people that were around.

Yunho walked behind the two, not oblivious enough to miss the supporting looks Yeosang gave to Seonghwa and the linking of a few fingers between the two. His heart hurt but he put a smile on his face.

This is exactly what Seonghwa knew he was getting when he'd yelled for Yunho to leave. He wanted to be completely out of Seonghwa's life and if this is what had come from it, it was good that he had left when he did.

Mingi's face flashed through his mind and he blushed briefly before shaking the thought from his head.

He'd come to the realization of a crush on Mingi, but he knew there was nothing that was going to come from him. He'd abandoned the idea of loving someone in that way again, it hurt too much.

The couple drove Yunho to Yeosang's music studio. It was different than Mingi and Wooyoung's, with a more modern look to it with wider spaces, but Yunho still preferred the other studio. It felt more homely, more comfortable, more accepting.

Not that this wasn't.

There were a few students that were walking around and talking with friends before the class started that greeted the couple with warm smiles. They even greeted Yunho the same way.

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