Q&A #41

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Lakota: Oh that one is funny! And yes lchorselover I can show em'

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Lakota: Oh that one is funny! And yes lchorselover I can show em'

Godzilla > I mean yeah, I pretty much have the same reaction. Nothing I can really do to fix somethin' like this. No hard feelings, but you humans are on your own with this one.

Mothra > Oh you poor things I would never steal all your toilet paper, pay no mind to me in this video!

Rodan > They drew me with glasses, holding a martini....I don't know what to think about that....But honestly I like my isolation I'm perfectly content with this whole quarantine thing, don't have to worry about people bothering me.

Ghidorah (ichi) > Well I say they got our reaction perfectly

Ghidorah (Ni) > Oh yeah! We're enjoying ourselves watching you panic out of your minds! Fights breaking out in stores over toilet paper and hand sanitizer, humans drowning in their own boredom and depression, so much suffering and chaos at the same time! Its glorious!

Lakota: Dude...you are seriously twisted...

Ghidorah (Ni) > Thanks!

Ghidorah (Kevin-San) > I mean as long as we don't get infected, it really isn't a problem right?

*Everyone looks over at Kevin...*

Ghidorah (Kevin-San) > W-what?...

Godzilla >....I reeeaaally hope you didn't just jinx it Kevin...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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