Q&A #35 (Rodan)

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Rodan > I'm doing well vivicleo, gracias! I feel good around my amigos. Gojira and Mothra have been life long friends since I was a chick. We put what happened in Boston behind us and I'm thankful that they even forgave me.

As for your second question um...no. That golden piece of shit used me! I nearly killed Mothra cause of them, I'm actually glad she stuck me with her stinger, she snapped me out of it. Godzilla gave them what they deserved!

Except for Kevin. I don't have a problem with him.

....Why would you ask that anyway?

Lakota: FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY AND PURE DO NOT TELL THEM!!!! They must never know the terrifying rodorah fanfictions from the darkest reaches of the internet!!!!

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