We get attacked by the AI

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Time Skip

Third Person POV (After the fight where they get back Loki's spear)

The party is in full swing at the Tower, the welcoming party is full of adults walking around and having a good time, the rest of the team sits around a table Thor's hammer sits in the middle. 

Clint : [referring to Thor's hammer] But, it's a trick!

Thor: Oh, no. It's much more than that

Clint : Uh, "Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick.

Thor: Well please, be my guest.

Tony : Come on.

Clint : Really?

Thor: Yeah! [Barton gets up]

Rhodey: Oh this is gonna be beautiful.

Tony : Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up. [the others laugh]

Clint : You know I've seen this before, right? [Barton grabs Thor's hammer and can't lift it] [to Thor after he fails to lift the hammer] I still don't know how you do it.

Annabeth: There has to be a way to lift that thing up. [laughs as Clint tries again]

Tony : Smell the silent judgment?

Clint : Please, Stark, by all means. [Stark gets up]

Natasha : Oh, here we go.

Agent Hill: Okay.

Rhodey: Uh-oh.

Clint : Um-hmm.

Tony : Never one to shrink from an honest challenge.

Clint : Get after it.

Natasha : Here we go.

Tony : It's physics.

Percy: Yeah right

Bruce : Physics! [Stark grasps Thor's hammer]

Tony : Right, so, if I lift it, I...I then rule Asgard?

Thor: Yes, of course.

Tony : I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta. [Stark tries to lift the hammer but fails] I'll be right back. [wearing his armored hand, Stark tries to lift the hammer again and fails] [wearing their armored hands, Stark and Rhodes both try to lift Thor's hammer]

Rhodey: Are you even pulling?

Tony : Are you on my team?

Rhodey: Just represent! Pull!

Few minutes later

Tony : Let's go, Percy, no pressure.

Rhodey : Come on, Perce. [Percy starts pulling on the hammer and manages to budge it a little; Thor looks a little alarmed. Percy still fails to lift it; Thor laughs with relief]

Annabeth: Sorry Percy 

Tony : And?

Thor: Nothing 

Bruce : Annabeth?

Annabeth: Oh, no no. That's not a question I need answered.

Tony : All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged.

Clint Barton: You bet your a**

Agent Hill: Steve, he said a bad language word.

Steve : [to Percy] Did you tell everyone about that?

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