Meet the Crew

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Third Person POV

Natasha laughs as Tony , still grumbling - motions to Annabeth and Percy to follow him.

" Hey Perseus, where did you learn all those moves honestly its been a while since someone's  been able to best me." Annabeth snorts and looks at Percy.

" Call me Percy, and me and Annabeth learned those "moves" at camp." she says nonchalantly like its the most normal thing to say. The others introduce themselves to their teammate and laugh off the fight they did before. Percy rubbs her hands together. "So it's nice to meet you guys and all but we - or at least I am a growing child and we haven't had like a proper meal in 5 days so can we eat something?" Clint looks at them in surprise, his fatherly instincts take over.

 "Okay yeah no ones going hungry on my watch. What kinda pizza do you guys want." soon the order is in for 4 meat lovers pizzas and 2 vegetarian pizzas. Once everyone stations themselves around the counter Steve suggests that they all get to know each other.

"Sure, why not. Especially I really want to know the people who got creamed by a bunch of teenagers." she says shrugging. Annabeth tries to smoother her laugh with her hand as she smiles. Steve laughs as well, "You know usually we're the people who do that."

Percy shrugs smiles. Suddenly her phone rings. Chiron it flashes as Taylor Swifts You Need To Calm Down plays.

Looking up sheepishly she says our "Guardian"  is calling us." Annabeth takes the phone and moves to the other room with Percy.

" Hi Chiron,"  she says. Annabeth pulls up to video call and looks at Chiron. " Hello Annabeth um your friends wanted to talk to you." there's slight movement in the back round as he hands the phone to Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, and Reyna.

" Percy! Annabeth! where did you guys go like you called camp this morning and said you'd be coming down this afternoon." Leo says his face pulled into a smile. Annabeth sighs " Yeah there was a change of plan sorry about that." Percy smirks in the backround. "Yeah ou could say that." 

In the other room Tony has hacked into the feed and the rest of the Avengers are listening intently.

"Guys I'm pretty sure Stark has hacked the phone line so use our code words."  Annabeth says in Ancient greek to them while she glances over her shoulder.

"Anyway Reyna how are the legionaries doing in New Rome." Leo hoots in the background and yells out. "Leo gods above you are being extremely annoying today." Calypso says in the background while waving to Percy and Annabeth. Lucky for them no one notices the Gods part.

" Well guys so we've been detained by the Avengers, all because they think we blew up St. Louis Arch and assasinated a bunch of people. So know me and Annabeth are stuck with the Avengers for life unless we want to spend the rest of our lives stuck in cells. WE fight all hte time on quests and other life threatning suiations, this is going to be a piece of cake."

Jason and Piper laugh when Leo says "Ha I'm free of my bonds. Also SUCKERS." Percy laughs and yells back " Leo do me a favor and try not to be the worlds biggest idiot known to demi-god!" Leo laughs "No promises Perce." Annabeth takes the phone back from Percy and waves goodbye to them all. 

Walking back to the kitchen the rest of the Avengers are trying there best to look innocent except for Tony who looks trimphant.

"Yeah so Stark we're are so going to have a talk about this hacking into calls thing." Percy says walking in. The rest of the Avengers look sheepish as she sits down and smirks.

"Who was that on the phone anyway." Natasha asks. "Oh it was just our awesome friends from camp, who just came back from New Rome after a long and slightly annoying war." says Annabeth with a poker face Steve and Natasha look surprised.

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