Annabeth and me are being chased...again

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Nick Fury POV

The Avengers sit around a table( minus Vision, Wanda and Pietro) waiting for the meeting to start. Sam sits down and flips through a book while they wait, Stark as always enters the room with a air of confidence, and as always he's at least a few minutes late.

"Okay if Fury's later than me then that's a problem and we should probably take him to see Bruce." Stark says as he sits down.

"Yeah, it's not like Fury to be this late to his own meeting." Cap says his hands clasped on the table. Tony looks at the door just as it pushes open.

Fury walks in and slides a file onto the table. "Before I speak take a look at the file." he leans back against the wall. Tony leans forward and takes the file from the table. "JARVIS do me a favor and project this to the screen."

"Certainly Sir." seconds later the File is on the screen.

NAME: Perseus Jackson

AGE: 18

DOB: July, 11, 2003

APPERANCE: Black Wavy hair, sea-green eyes, normally seen wearing a orange shirt with faded writing and a Yankees baseball cap

MOTHER: Sally Jackson

FATHER: Unknown

OTHER KNOWN RELATIVES: Tyson Jackson (Younger brother)

RESIDENCE: 403 Triton avenue

OTHER: Blew up St. Louis Arch, Found frequently in Greece and Rome with 6-12 other teens, Goes to a mysterious summer camp every year for the past 5 years, hasn't been able to hold to a school for more than half a year, always seen with another teen Annabeth Chase.

The moment the screen fills Fury begins. "Perseus Jackson. We have reason to believe that there is a terrorist/ assassin on the loose." Steve looks up at Fury, " Let me get this straight, you think that a this girl is a assassin or terrorist?" Natasha glanced at the file again then stated bluntly " You want us to track down a kid." Fury looked the team all of them wore expressions of has Fury gone crazy looks. "Look just detain her and whoever is with her and bring them in."

~ Meanwhile ~

Percy pulls her camp-half blood t-shirt over her head and calls to Annabeth in the next room. She pulls on her leather jacket and knocks rapidly her friends door. "Ready to go Wise Girl?" Annabeth opens the door, her face is full of annoyance as she punches Percy in the arm. " Yeah Seaweed Brain come on." rolling her eyes she drags Percy out the Apartment door before calling to Percy's mom that they're leaving.

Walking into the Aquarium they pull on their employee shirts, then they get to work showing little groups of kids and adults around the place. Annabeth and Percy both grin at the end of the tours obviously happy that the job is done. They both walk out and start toward the other side of Manhattan to visit the fallen hero's graves ( This is after the titan war) . They both fail to notice the five adults that had been tailing them ever since the aquarium. After visiting their fallen friends graves Annabeth and Percy get up and start to make their way to the exit.

At the exit Cap slams into Percy driving her to the ground. " Percy!" Annabeth exclaims and Percy gets and throws a kick at Cap. Annabeth draws her dagger and charges when Percy falls the ground again. Once Annabeth and Captain are locked in battle Percy still a little dizzy from the hit Cap did looks around.

Clint notches a arrow and draws back the string aiming for Percy neck. He fills the arrow with a tranquillizer and shoots. Percy flips up and turns, catching the arrow she looks around and sees the other Avengers coming at her and Annabeth now up and next to Percy. Both of them charge and block as they land blow after blow on the unsuspecting Avengers. Annabeth suddenly lurches in to a wall as the Hulk pile drives right into both Annabeth and Percy.

Avengers Meet Percy JacksonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora